Final Cut Pro 3.0: Before You Upgrade

This document contains system requirements and things to do before you upgrade the application. It also includes information on new features, how to access late-breaking news, where to start, and using the tutorials. For the latest information on product updates, tips and techniques, third-party software, and qualified third-party devices, visit the Final Cut Pro Web site (

Before You Upgrade to Final Cut Pro 3.0

System requirements

You'll need the following hardware, software, and video equipment for Final Cut Pro:

Hardware and video equipment

Note: G4 real-time editing requires a single or dual-processor Power Macintosh G4 500 MHz or faster, or a PowerBook G4 667 MHz or faster. For more information about G4 real-time editing, see the Final Cut Pro Web site (


Before you upgrade Final Cut Pro

Important: The French, German, and Japanese versions of Final Cut Pro are only supported on a matching localized French, German, or Japanese version of the Mac OS. Multiple localized versions of Final Cut Pro from different countries on a single system are not supported. For example, if your computer has the French version of the Mac OS installed on it, you cannot install both the French and German versions of Final Cut Pro. For more information, see the Final Cut Pro Web site (

Make sure you do the following before you install the software:

Upgrading Final Cut Pro 3.0 for Mac OS 9

Upgrading Final Cut Pro 3.0 for Mac OS X

Finding out about new features, late-breaking information, and an overview of the application

After you install Final Cut Pro, you can learn about new features and late-breaking information on known issues.

Using the tutorials

There are several tutorials that come with Final Cut Pro. These are available in print in a separate book.

Using the documentation

The Final Cut Pro user's manual is divided into three volumes for ease of use. There is also an addendum, What's New in Final Cut Pro 3.

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016