How to install additional plug-ins
1. Quit iMovie, if it is open.
2. Click the Finder in the Dock.
3. Choose Go to Folder from the Go menu.
4. Type "~/Library" and click Go.
5. If you don't see a folder named "iMovie" choose New Folder from the File menu, and name it "iMovie".
6. Open the iMovie folder.
7. If you don't see a folder named "Plug-ins" choose New Folder from the File menu and name it "Plug-ins".
The resulting path should look something like this:
Macintosh HD/Users/Your User Name/Library/iMovie/Plug-ins/
8. Copy any additional iMovie 2 for Mac OS X plug-ins into the Plug-ins folder.
9. Open iMovie.
The iMovie Plug-in pack 2.1.1 for Mac OS X is available from the iMovie Web site (