Mac OS X 10.1: Video on VGA Monitor Connected to a PowerBook G4 Is Garbled

If you connect a VGA monitor to your PowerBook G4 computer and do not click "Detect Displays" in the Displays pane of System Preference Pane (or choose the same command from the menu bar extra) the video on the monitor may be garbled.

When you connect a VGA monitor to your PowerBook G4 computer and do not click "Detect Displays" in the Displays pane of System Preference Pane (or choose the same command from the Displays menu bar extra) the video on the monitor may be garbled.


Download and install Mac OS X 10.1.4 or later. It is available from the Software Update pane of System Preferences, or from Apple Software Downloads (

Temporarily, you may resolve the issue by using one of these methods:
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012