Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors): Does Not Wake From Sleep With Radeon 9000 Pro Graphics Card

A Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors) computer with an ATI Radeon 9000 Pro graphics card installed may have difficulty waking from sleep.

When you press a key on the keyboard, or move the mouse to wake the computer, it may briefly wake up, but then unexpectedly goes back into sleep.

This issue occurs when one of the following is connected to the display card's DVI port:


Update to the latest version of Mac OS X.

To download and install an update via the automatic Software Update feature in Mac OS X, choose System Preferences from the Apple menu, choose Software Update from the View menu, then click Check Now. Any available updates will be listed in Software Update.

If the behavior persists after updating to a current version of Mac OS X, the issue may be related to the configuration outlined in technical document 86219, "Power Mac G4, Power Mac G5: Computer Restarts After Being Shut Down". Follow the steps in that document to see if they resolve the issue.

Note: To restart the computer hold in the Power button, until the computer shuts down. Press the power button again to start. If holding the power button does not turn off the computer, turn off the power on the wall switch or remove the power cable from the back of the computer.

Published Date: Oct 7, 2016