Macintosh: How to Connect to the Internet Using a GPRS Mobile Telephone

This document explains how to connect to the Internet using a GPRS mobile telephone as a wireless modem.

You can connect your Macintosh to the Internet using a GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) mobile telephone as a modem. To do so, you should first make sure that you can:

Once you can do these two things, you can set up your computer to use the telephone as a wireless modem to connect to the Internet.

Important: GPRS data services and Internet access are typically optional offerings. Ask your mobile phone operator about GPRS availability in your area, and what the subscription fees and service charges are.

Connecting to the Internet over GPRS using the WAP browser in your telephone

Most recent mobile phones allow wireless Internet access right on the phone. This service uses the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and a "microbrowser" in the telephone to allow you to browse the Internet. Before you try to connect your Mac to the Internet using your telephone as a wireless modem, you should first make sure that you can connect to the Internet using the WAP microbrowser over GPRS. Not all telephones that use WAP have a GPRS data feature, and not all mobile telephone operators offer a GPRS service--even if your telephone is capable of using it.

See the related documents for further instructions.

Related documents

25419: "Macintosh: How to Connect Your Mac to Your Mobile Phone"
25420: "Macintosh: How to Use Your Mobile Phone as a Wireless Modem"

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012