WebObjects: How to determine the installed WebObjects version

This article explains how to determine the version of WebObjects installed on a particular system.

Mac OS X Client 10.0 - 10.3, Mac OS X Server 10.0 - 10.2

Look in /Library/Receipts. You will see a list of .pkg files representing the installed software. If you see update packages, the name of the newest one tells you which release and update of WebObjects is installed. Examples:

WOxxxDeveloper.pkg ==> x.x.x Developer
WOxxxDeployment.pkg == > x.x.x Deployment
WOxxxMacOSX...UpdateN.pkg ==> x.x.x Update N

If you don't see any update packages, control-click (or right-click) on a WebObjects package (i.e. WODeveloper.pkg), choose 'Show Package Contents', and open the file Contents/Resources/software_version. Consult the 'WebObjects Build Names' table below to find your version.

Mac OS X Server 10.3

Note: Beginning with Mac OS X Server 10.3, WebObjects Deployment is included with the OS, and does not need to be installed separately.

  1. Look in /Library/Receipts.
  2. If you see ApplicationsServerUpdate.pkg, control-click (or right-click) it and choose 'Show Package Contents'.
  3. Open Contents/Info.plist, and find the CFBundleShortVersionString key. A value of 1.0 indicates WebObjects Deployment 5.2.3.
  4. If you do not see ApplicationsServerUpdate.pkg, look inside ApplicationsServer.pkg (control-click (or right-click) and choose 'Show Package Contents') and open Contents/Info.plist.
  5. Find the CFBundleShortVersionString key.
CFBundleShortVersionString = 3.0 ==> WebObjects Deployment 5.2.4
CFBundleShortVersionString = 2.0 ==> WebObjects Deployment 5.2.3
CFBundleShortVersionString = 1.0 ==> WebObjects Deployment 5.2.2

Mac OS X Client 10.4 or later, Mac OS X Server 10.4 or later

Open /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaWebObjects.framework/Resources/version.plist. The value of the CFBundleShortVersionString key is the WebObjects version.


  1. Click the 'Support Information' link in the WebObjects entry of the Add/Remove Programs control panel. This also shows any installed updates. If the control panel does not list WebObjects, a version prior to 5.0 may be installed.
  2. While logged in as a user with Administrator privileges, look in the Start menu under WebObjects for 'About Apple Software' or 'About NeXT Software'.
  3. Consult the 'WebObjects Build Names' table below to find your version.
  4. Do not rely on product names shown in the panel, such as "WebObjects 3.5 Prerelease Developer"; use the table instead. For very old versions of WebObjects from NeXT, the Windows registry may be the most accurate source.
  5. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, look at SOFTWARE\\Apple or SOFTWARE\\NeXT\\WebObjects. You should see an entry for the major version of WebObjects, and another for any installed updates.

Solaris / HP-UX

  1. Look in $NEXT_ROOT/Library/Receipts/PDO/software.ver or $NEXT_ROOT/NextLibrary/Receipts/WOF/software.ver for a build name, and consult the 'WebObjects Build Names' table below.
  2. Do not rely on product names given, such as "WebObjects 3.5 Prerelease Developer"; use the table instead. WebObjects updates to versions 4.5 (4.5.0) and older did not update the software.ver file. See Knowledge Base article 70148 for instructions on determining which updates were installed.

OPENSTEP 4.2 for Mach

  1. Look in /NextLibrary/Receipts. You will see a list of .pkg files representing the installed software.
  2. To find the exact version, press command-shift-O to open the .pkg folder, and look at the software_version file inside.
  3. Consult the 'WebObjects Build Names' table below to find your version. Do not rely on product names given, such as "WebObjects 3.5 Prerelease Developer"; use the table instead.
WebObjects Build Names
5.2.4 Mac OS X EU 7A31
5.2.4 Mac OS X Server Tiger 8A428
5.2.4 Windows/Solaris EU 7A31a
5.2.3 Mac OS X EU 6A8
5.2.3 Mac OS X Server SUPanFeldspar 7F46
5.2.3 Windows/Solaris ErteW 6A7
5.2.2 Mac OS X EU 5A21
5.2.2 Mac OS X Server Panther 7B86
5.2.2 Windows/Solaris ErteW 5A20
5.2.1 Mac OS X ErteXUpdate 4A13
5.2.1 Windows/Solaris ErteW 4A13
5.2 Mac OS X ErteX 2E5
5.2 Windows/Solaris ErteW 2E4
5.1.4 Mac OS X Kahlo 1V5
5.1.3 Mac OS X KahloX 3A2
5.1.3 Solaris KahloW 3A2
5.1.3 Windows KahloW 3A3
5.1.2 Mac OS X KahloX 2A6
5.1.2 Windows/Solaris KahloW 2A6
5.1.1 Mac OS X KahloX U5
5.1.1 Windows KahloW 1U5
5.1.1 Solaris KahloW 1U6
5.1 Mac OS X KahloX 1R9
5.1 Windows/Solaris KahloW 1R9
5 Update 3 Mac OS X Server MonetX 3P4
5 Update 2 Mac OS X MonetX 4A7
5 Update 2 Windows Monet 4A8
5 Update 2 Solaris Monet 4A12
5 Update 1 Mac OS X/Solaris Monet 3R2
5 Update 1 Windows Monet 3R4
5.0 (all) Monet 3P4
4.5.1 Update 4 Mac OS X Siren 4A4
4.5.1 Update 4 Windows/Solaris Kali 4A4
4.5.1 Update 3 Mac OS X Siren 3A7
4.5.1 Update 2 Mac OS X Siren 2C3
4.5.1 Update 2 Windows/Solaris Kali 2C3
4.5.1 (all) Siren 1X5
4.5 Update 3 (all) Dali 3V6
4.5 Update 2 (all) Dali 3U4
4.5 Update 1 (all) Dali 3S3
4.5 (all) Dali 2S1
4.0.1 Patch 3 (all) Picasso 3R
4.0.1 Patch 2 (all) Picasso 3O
4.0.1 (all) Picasso 2Z
4.0 (all) Picasso 2N1
3.5.1 Patch 3 (all) Bay 1C
3.5.1 (all) Paris 1U2
3.1 (all) GrannySmith 1R
3.0 (all) Argonaut 4V
2.0 (all) Argonaut 2V
1.0 (all) Argonaut 1R

See also: WebObjects Current Patch List.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012