The version of gnutar which shipped with WebObjects 4.0.1 did not accept four-digit dates as arguments to a specific option. While this feature is not used directly by WebObjects, Apple recommends that all users of WebObjects 4.0.1 install this patch. WebObjects developers should also read article 70135 for an explanation of some manual steps they may wish to take to avoid some Year 2000 issues with the WebObjects examples.
Installing WebObjects 4.0.1 Patch 1 on Windows NT 4.0
1. Download WO401NTPatch1.exe, the patch installer for Windows NT.
2. Run this executable to uncompress the patch installer, WO401Patch1Installer.exe.
3. Log in as a user with Administrator privileges.
4. Make sure that there are no WebObjects, OPENSTEP or EOF applications running.
5. Double-click on the patch installer, WO401Patch1Installer.exe, to start the install process.
6. A screen will appear with some information about this patch. After you have read it, click "Next" to continue.
7. The license agreement for this patch will appear. To agree to the license and continue the installation, click "Yes".
8. The patch will now be installed on your system and you will be asked if you want to reboot. Select "Yes, I want to restart my computer now" to reboot your Windows NT system. The WinZip self-extractor will automatically quit and remove the temporary installation in about 20 seconds.
9. For WebObjects developer installations, see article 70135. There are manual steps you must take to avoid some century issues
Installing WebObjects 4.0.1 Patch 1 on Solaris and HP-UX
1. Download WO401SolarisPatch1.TAR.Z, the patch installer for Solaris, or WO401HPUXPatch1.TAR.Z, the patch installer for HP-UX.
2. Log in as root. If you're not sure how to log in as root, see your system administrator.
3. Make sure that there are no WebObjects, OPENSTEP or EOF applications running.
4. Change to the directory containing the patch and the patch installer, "".
5. At a shell prompt, type: -install WO401SolarisPatch1.TAR.Z
-OR- -install WO401HPUXPatch1.TAR.Z
For more information on using the "" program, type the following at the command prompt: -help
6. Restart your Unix system.
Issues Addressed
Corrected in WebObjects 4.0.1 Patch 1
'gnutar' command didn't accept dates later than 1999
Apple Reference #2405644
The 'gnutar' command has an option to only write files newer than a given date, but version 1.11.2, the version shipped with WebObjects 4.0.1, didn't accept dates past the end of 1999, even using four-digit years.
'gnutar' has been updated to version 1.12, which accepts dates after 1999.