WebObjects 4: Inheritance in EOModeler

One of the most commonly used elements of object-oriented design is class inheritance. The properties of a parent class may be expressed or selectively overridden in a child or subclass. The subclass is then said to "extend" the capabilities of its parent.
WebObjects and Cocoa applications are completely object-oriented. Implementing inheritance in this environment is straightforward. However, these applications frequently store and retrieve data in relational database management systems or other data sources that were not designed with object-oriented principles in mind. Thus the properties of an object model must somehow be transformed to the properties of the data storage model. The role of the Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) is to abstract any data source and act as the transformation agent between an application's business objects and its data sources. This article is intended to describe how an object-oriented model with inheritance is implemented in EOModeler. Additional details on EOF, EOModeler and inheritance are available in the Enterprise Objects Developer's Guide and online documents.

In a Cocoa or WebObjects application, EOModeler supports the expression of your application's model as objects and handles the details of writing a structure that EOF can use to interface with a data source. In the common case of mapping objects to relational database systems, EOModeler will:

Types of Inheritance in EOModeler

Inheritance is a powerful property in any object-oriented design, but it is still optional. First, decide whether inheritance is necessary in your implementation. Any attempt to add an object-oriented layer to non-object-oriented data sources inevitably results in a performance and complexity overhead, but by design EOF handles this transformation effectively and efficiently. EOModeler supports three types of inheritance: vertical, horizontal, and single table.

There are several considerations for selecting a type of inheritance. Each type has advantages and disadvantages. Some of the questions you should consider are:

The next three sections will concisely describe the characteristics, implementation steps, advantages and disadvantages of each EOModeler inheritance type.

Vertical Mapping

This is the most elegant of the three types, as it maps both to object-oriented concepts and to the normalized relational database structure often preferred by DBA's and data modelers. Performance issues may result from the multiple joins inherent in well normalized relational data. EOModeler represents vertically-inherited attributes in a bold oblique font in subclasses, making it easy to discern inherited properties.

Sample Output

This is an example of the SQL generated by EOModeler for an implementation of vertical mapping. The data model used in this implementation has three classes. The superclass Person has two subclasses, Employee and Customer. The SQL output was generated by the command line option -EOAdaptorSetDebugEnabled YES.

Inserting a Customer

INSERT INTO "Customer" ("Custacctno", "Id") VALUES ('Cust123', 1000001);
INSERT INTO "Person" ("Id", "Firstname", "Lastname", "Persontype")
VALUES (1000001, 'Fred', 'Foobar', 'C');

Searching for an Employee with a Customer name

SELECT t0."Id", t0."Empno", t1."Firstname", t1."Lastname", t1."Persontype"
FROM "Person" t1, "Employee" t0
AND t0."Id" = t1."Id";
Inserting an Employee
INSERT INTO "Employee" ("Empno", "Id")
VALUES ('EmpNo1234', 1000002);
INSERT INTO "Person" ("Id", "Firstname", "Lastname", "Persontype")
VALUES (1000002, 'Johnny B.', 'Goode', 'E');

Selecting a Person (Person.lastName = 'Foobar')

SELECT t0."Id", t0."Custacctno", t1."Firstname", t1."Lastname",

t0."Persontype" FROM "Person" t1, "Customer" t0 WHERE UPPER(t1."Lastname")
LIKE 'FOOBAR%' AND t0."Id" = t1."Id";
SELECT t0."Id", t0."Empno", t1."Firstname", t1."Lastname", t0."Persontype"
FROM "Person" t1, "Employee" t0 WHERE UPPER(t1."Lastname") LIKE 'FOOBAR%' AND
t0."Id" = t1."Id";
SELECT t0."Id", t0."Firstname", t0."Lastname" FROM "Person" t0 WHERE
UPPER(t0."Lastname") LIKE 'FO





Horizontal Mapping

This is perhaps the most balanced of the three types. It provides enforcement of superclass attributes in subclasses similar to that of abstract classes or Java interfaces, but has much less performance overhead. As with vertical inheritance, EOModeler represents horizontally-inherited attributes distinctly; they are shown in a plain oblique font in subclasses.

Sample output

This is an example of the SQL generated by an implementation of horizontal inheritance. the data model used in this implementation has three classes. The superclass Person has two subclasses, Employee and Customer. The SQL output was generated by the command line option -EOAdaptorSetDebugEnabled YES.

Inserting a Customer

INSERT INTO "Customer" ("Persontype", "Custacctno", "Firstname", "Lastname", "Id")
VALUES ('C', 'cust2323', 'Sherlock', 'Holmes', 1000001);

Querying for a Person (Person.personType = 'C')

This example is a bit different. A type attribute for the subclass could be added either to the superclass or the subclass. If it is added to the superclass, a person who is both an employee and a customer would be represented twice in the database. If it is added to the subclass, the person would only be in the database once. In this case, additional care must be taken so that there is no redundant information between the subclasses.

SELECT t0."Custacctno", t0."Firstname", t0."Lastname", t0."Id",
t0."Persontype" FROM "Customer" t0 WHERE (t0."Persontype" = 'C' AND
UPPER(t0."Persontype") LIKE 'C%');
SELECT t0."Empno", t0."Firstname", t0."Lastname", t0."Personid",
t0."Persontype" FROM "Employee" t0 WHERE (t0."Persontype" = 'E' AND
UPPER(t0."Persontype") LIKE 'C%');
 t0."Personid" FROM "Person" t0 WHERE UPPER(t0."Persontype") LIKE 'C%';





Single Table Mapping

This is perhaps the easiest of the three types. It inherently enforces superclass attributes in subclasses, but has little or no performance or maintenance overhead. But it also is the least elegant solution from a data modeling and normalization perspective.





Published Date: Feb 20, 2012