QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0: Viewing Access and Error Logs

This article describes how to view QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0 access and error logs.


      1. All information in this article comes from the help file distributed with QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0. The help file includes additional help topics which are not covered in the Knowledge Base.

      2. This article discusses software for use only with Mac OS X Server version 1.2, released prior to May 2001.

Viewing access and error logs

If logging is turned on in the Settings panel in QuickTime Streaming Admin, information about access and errors is saved to log files.

To open a log:

Updating and Saving Logs

Each week the current log file is renamed with the current date and a new log file is started. Old log files are saved in /Local/Library/QuickTimeStreaming/LogArchive.

To save the information in the current log file at any time:

Analyzing the Access Log

The information that's stored in the access log can be analyzed using third-party software. See Access log format* for a list of information in the log.

*Editor's note: The Access log format is covered in the article titled "QuickTime Streaming Server 2.0: Access Log Format".

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012