Note: This document has been superseded by WebObjects 4.5.1 Update 2, which includes all the fixes described below for both Mac OS X 10.0 and later and HP-UX.
Important: You must install WebObjects on the same partition that holds your Mac OS X installation. If you do not, WebObjects will not function properly.
There are several issues that are specific to WebObjects 4.5.1 for Mac OS X that arose after the completion of the initial release. Please read through the following discussion so that it is clear what needs to be done to complete your WebObjects 4.5.1 installation on this platform.
In the WebObjectsDeploy_Install.pdf and WebObjectsDev_Install.pdf Installation Guides on the WebObjects 4.5.1 for Mac OS X CD, reference is made to "Mac OS X Server 1.3". The version number is incorrect, and actually refers to Mac OS X Server 10.0.
After installing WebObjects 4.5.1 Developer for Mac OS X, you should download and install WebObjects 4.5.1 Update 1. This update is not needed on a Deployment system.
The WebObjects 4.5.1 Update 1 will
2. update precompiled headers.
3. create the missing documentation links mentioned in the Readme.rtf on the CD. Once this has been done, you can access WebObjects documentation by launching WebObjects Builder and selecting "WebObjects Builder Help" from the Help menu. Help Viewer will then launch and display a page similar to the main page of WOInfoCenter with links to the WebObjects developer's guide, tutorials, reference documentation, release notes, and more. If you prefer to read the documentation in your web browser, you can also access the same page at /Developer/Documentation/WebObjects/WOHomePage.html.
Two HP-UX specific problems in the WebObjects adaptors have been discovered in the WebObjects 4.5.1 release. These problems will only affect your deployment if you are running your web server on an HP-UX machine. If you use an HP-UX application server with the web server (and WebObjects adaptor) on another platform, you will not encounter these problems.
The changes required to fix these issues are detailed below. Customers using an HP-UX web server can make these changes and rebuild the WebObjects adaptors to work around these problems. Additionally, new adaptor binaries incorporating these changes will be distributed in a forthcoming WebObjects 4.5.1 update.
2. The adaptor does not do name lookups properly. (Apple reference #2678427) The solution is to replace the original lines 289 and 290 of Adaptor/hostlookup.c
host = (gethostbyname(name) == 0) ?
&__host : NULL;
with the following single line
host = gethostbyname(name);