Note: WebObjects 4.5.1 Update 4 has been released. Update 4 installs the correct version of Foundation on Windows deployment. If you install Update 4 on your Windows computer you will not be affected by this issue. Refer to article 70037: "WebObjects Current Patch List", for information on the most current updates for WebObjects.
The installation configurations which are affected by this issue are:
Apple reference #2437169
The NSCalendarDate method -dateByAddingYears:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds: could get stuck in an infinite loop for some values of the calculated resulting date.
NSCalendarDate now correctly calculates the resulting date.
To make it easier to tell the right version from the wrong version, here are the pertinent details for each:
Incorrect Version: WebObjects 4.5 size = 2972836, date = Jan 24 2000
Correct Version: WebObjects 4.5.1 size = 2973980, date = Feb 22 2001
On Windows, an existing deployment system can be corrected by copying the C:/Apple/Library/Executables/Foundation.dll from a WebObjects 4.5.1 Developer system to your deployment system. Alternatively, you can install WebObjects 4.5.1 Developer on your deployment system. To make
it easier to tell the right version from the wrong version, here are the pertinent details for each:
Incorrect Version: WebObjects 4.5 Foundation.dll: size = 1818339, date = Jan 24 2000
Correct Version: WebObjects 4.5.1 Foundation.dll: size = 1818974, date = Feb 22 2001
This issue is expected to be corrected in a future update to WebObjects 4.5.1 Deployment. Once that update has been released, installing it will be the best way to correct this issue.