WebObjects 4.5.1: Earlier Foundation Framework Installed In Certain Configurations

Certain WebObjects 4.5.1 installation configurations contain an incorrect version of the Foundation framework. The incorrect version is the version that originally came with WebObjects 4.5. Several important issues in the Foundation framework were fixed in the WebObjects 4.5.1 release. The correct Foundation version is expected to be included in a future WebObjects 4.5.1 update for affected configurations. Affected customers can work around this issue until the updates are available by installing the correct version of Foundation as described below.

Note: WebObjects 4.5.1 Update 4 has been released. Update 4 installs the correct version of Foundation on Windows deployment. If you install Update 4 on your Windows computer you will not be affected by this issue. Refer to article 70037: "WebObjects Current Patch List", for information on the most current updates for WebObjects.

The installation configurations which are affected by this issue are:

  • WebObjects Deployment on Windows
  • A minimal WebObjects installation on Solaris

This issue does not occur in the other supported installation configurations for WebObjects 4.5.1:
  • Mac OS X (Server) 10.0.3 or later
  • Mac OS X Server 1.2
  • WebObjects Developer on Windows
  • A full WebObjects install on Solaris.

There were several issues fixed in Foundation between WebObjects 4.5 and WebObjects 4.5.1. You can find them documented in the release notes
for WebObjects 4.5 Update 3 (which includes all fixes in Updates 1 and 2) and WebObjects 4.5.1. The most serious and time-critical is described in the following release note and was originally fixed in WebObjects 4.5 Update 2:
To avoid this issue on Solaris, simply do a full WebObjects installation and not a minimal installation. If you have an existing deployment system on which you did a minimal installation, you can correct the problem by extracting Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/libFoundation.so.C from the wodev.TAR.Z package inside the Solaris/WebObjects directory on your WebObjects 4.5.1 Deployment CD. You can also reinstall WebObjects 4.5.1 performing a full installation.

To make it easier to tell the right version from the wrong version, here are the pertinent details for each:

Incorrect Version: WebObjects 4.5 libFoundation.so.C: size = 2972836, date = Jan 24 2000

Correct Version: WebObjects 4.5.1 libFoundation.so.C: size = 2973980, date = Feb 22 2001

On Windows, an existing deployment system can be corrected by copying the C:/Apple/Library/Executables/Foundation.dll from a WebObjects 4.5.1 Developer system to your deployment system. Alternatively, you can install WebObjects 4.5.1 Developer on your deployment system. To make
it easier to tell the right version from the wrong version, here are the pertinent details for each:

Incorrect Version: WebObjects 4.5 Foundation.dll: size = 1818339, date = Jan 24 2000

Correct Version: WebObjects 4.5.1 Foundation.dll: size = 1818974, date = Feb 22 2001

This issue is expected to be corrected in a future update to WebObjects 4.5.1 Deployment. Once that update has been released, installing it will be the best way to correct this issue.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012