Final Cut Pro: JVC Digital Camera Compatibility

This document provides additional compatibility notes for JVC consumer and professional digital cameras when used with Final Cut Pro 4.

This is document does not contain a full list of qualified devices, only additional information on certain models. A complete list of qualified devices for the current version of Final Cut Pro can be found at the Apple web site ( For a complete list for Final Cut Pro 3 see document 93261 "Final Cut Pro 3: Camera Compatibility Information."

For additional assistance with JVC digital cameras, see the JVC web site.

JVC Products: <>

JVC Qualified DV Camcorders and VTRs
Model Device
Description and Notes
DV600UA FireWire  
GRDVL815U FireWire Basic  
GRDVM55U FireWire Basic When editing to tape: The sequence comes in 1 frame late on both Mac OS X and OS 9.2.2
GRDVP3U FireWire  
GRDVP7U FireWire  
GY-DV550U FireWire Basic When editing to tape on Mac OS 9: The sequence comes in one frame late, and the first 12 frames are cut off. When editing to tape on Mac OS X: The sequence occasionally comes in one frame late, and the first 2 frames are cut off.
GY-DV700WU FireWire When editing to tape on Mac OS X: The sequence comes in one frame late,and the first 2 frames are cut off. When editing to tape on Mac OS 9: The sequence comes in one frame late, and the first 13 frames are cut off.
GR-D30U FireWire When using this camera Best Edited to Tape with a slug of 25 frames inserted in the sequence before the video.
GR-D90U FireWire When using this camera Best Edited to Tape with a slug of 25 frames inserted in the sequence before the video.



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75352 Final Cut Pro 2.0.2: JVC Digital Camera Compatibility

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012