QuickTime Streaming Server: Making PlaylistBroadcaster Open and Start at Server Startup

I have three separate playlists that I would like to have start up automatically when my Mac OS X Server is starting up. How can I do this?
Below is the text of the startup script that runs at Mac OS X Server startup. As you can see, it is the script that launches QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) the first time.Modify this script in the 'if' portion. Add the absolute path to a shell script that starts up your playlist broadcasters. The line should go after "/usr/bin/QuickTimeStreamingServer".
  Note: Paths to the actual hinted media files in the playlist and broadcast config files should not be relative, but should be absolute because the playlists themselves will be running at startup time, and not necessarily from their own local subdirectories.
Published Date: Feb 20, 2012