Mac OS X 10.2: How to Save Custom Terminal Window Settings as a File

This document explains how to save custom Terminal window settings as files.
You can save custom Terminal window settings as .term files, which are stored in XML format.

Follow these steps to save Terminal window settings as a file:

Important: The saved file stores window settings, but not window contents. Instead, choose "Save Text As" from the File menu to save text.

To use a saved .term file, you may double-click it, or choose Open from the File menu in Terminal.

Advanced: executing a command while file opens

To execute a specific command when opening a .term file, add an XML tag to the file with a text editing application such as TextEdit.

For example, if you want connect to a remote server via ssh, add the following to the .term file:


Note: This document applies to the Terminal application, located in /Applications/Utilities.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012