Xserve RAID: "RAID Controller Not Ready" Message in RAID Admin

This document discusses possible causes of the message "RAID Controller not ready" in RAID Admin.

RAID Admin reports "RAID Controller not ready".

If you troubleshoot by swapping each controller module into the other module's slot, the symptom follows the controller module, not the slot.


Follow these steps to fix or isolate the issue. Check in between steps to see if the issue was resolved, or if you need to continue to the next step. Be sure to give RAID Admin enough time to update status before moving to the next step.

If none of the steps listed above resolves the issue, contact Apple for further assistance.

Additional information

The "RAID Controller not ready" message is a general communications alert, which can indicate different causes.

The most common cause is that the RAID controller is restarting. This message is normal to see temporarily if the controller is restarting. The message only indicates an issue if the message is persistent.

This message does not in any way affect the data on the hard disks. In most cases the data on the hard disks is still accessible; only in very rare cases will the data be offline.
Published Date: Oct 10, 2016