AppleShare IP 6: AppleShare Client FAQ Part 2

This article contains the following frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the AppleShare Client software used with AppleShare IP 6, with answers to those questions.

For the first part of this article, see

Article 24558: "AppleShare IP 6: AppleShare Client FAQ Part 1"

Questions answered in this article:
  1. While connecting via TCP over PPP, I use AppleShare Client to connect to a server via Server IP Address, if I receive "Server not responding" message, what do you recommend I do?
  2. Can I use a remote server alias from a Macintosh client to connect to my AppleShare IP 6 Server?
  3. Since the AppleShare Client uses TCP/IP to connect to the Server, why can't I connect to my Sun, NT server, or whatever using TCP/IP?
  4. Sometimes my computer stops responding when I log on via Chooser, select a volume from the volume list and click OK. Any workaround?
  5. My alias to an AppleShare IP server volume will not work over TCP/IP. Why is that?
  6. How can I make sure that my AppleShare Client computer connects to my server at startup using TCP/IP?
  7. How does the AppleShare Client software decide to use AFP over TCP/IP when connecting to a server?
  8. I can't log on to an AppleShare IP server while connected to a different AppleShare IP. I get an "Already Connected" dialog and the AppleShare client shows the first AppleShare IP server's volumes, not the new server's login dialog.
  9. Is AppleShare Client 3.8 compatible with RunShare?

Question 1: While connecting via TCP over PPP, I use AppleShare Client to connect to a server via Server IP Address, if I receive "Server not responding" message, what do you recommend I do?

Answer: If you are receiving "Server not responding" errors when connecting via TCP over PPP, use the AppleShare Client Setup utility to increase the TCP Lookup Timeout from 20 seconds to the time it takes your PPP link to come up plus 20 seconds.

Question 2: Can I use a remote server alias from a Macintosh client to connect to my AppleShare IP 6 Server?

Answer: If you are receiving "Server not responding" errors when connecting via TCP over PPP, use the AppleShare Client Setup utility to increase the TCP Lookup Timeout from 20 seconds to the time it takes your PPP link to come up plus 20 seconds.

Lock the remote server's alias via its Get Info window. This will ensure that the connection information is stored correctly for the dial-up procedure. If you don't do this, you may lose this information and may not be able to access the remote server properly.

Refer to the "AppleShare Client Setup" accessible through the AppleShare IP web page in the Downloads section.

Question 3: Since the AppleShare Client uses TCP/IP to connect to the Server, why can't I connect to my Sun, NT box, or whatever using TCP/IP?

Answer: The Server must support the AFP over TCP/IP protocol, not just TCP/IP.

Question 4: Sometimes my computer stops responding when I log on via Chooser, select a volume from the volume list and click OK. Any workaround?

Answer: Try disabling the Apple Menu Options control panel on the client computer.

Question 5: My alias to an AppleShare IP server volume will not work over TCP/IP. Why is that?

Answer: If a user makes an alias to an AppleShare IP volume and uses TCP/IP to connect to that volume, both TCP/IP and AppleTalk must be active on the user's computer. Due to a limitation in the Alias Manager, AppleTalk must be active to resolve the alias.

Question 6: How can I make sure that my AppleShare Client computer mounts my server at startup using TCP/IP?

Answer: Make sure that the "Load Only When Needed" option is unchecked in the TCP/IP Control Panel Options window. Discard the "AppleShare Prep" file in the System folder's preferences folder. Log into the server via the Chooser again in order to recreate your startup mounts over TCP/IP. If neither of the above work, try turning on Virtual Memory. Open Transport may not have loaded TCP/IP due to lack of memory.

Question 7: How does the AppleShare Client software decide to use AFP over TCP/IP when connecting to a server?Â

Answer: The AppleShare client first sends a message over to the server using AppleTalk to find out if it can use TCP/IP (this command also returns the IP address of the server). The client then uses this information to establish a connection to the server over TCP/IP. Since the client obtains the IP address directly from the server, there may be issues setting up proxy services for AFP over TCP.

Question 8: I can't log on to an AppleShare IP server while connected to a different AppleShare IP. I get an "Already Connected" dialog and the AppleShare client shows the first AppleShare IP server's volumes, not the new server's login dialog.

Answer: Have the AppleShare IP server administrator check to make the sure that the server's serial number is unique. The AppleShare Client uses a server's serial number to distinguish between multiple AppleShare IP servers. What this means, in practice, is that, if you have logged into a AppleShare IP server, you cannot log into a different AppleShare IP server with the same serial number. The AppleShare Client will get the "Already Connected" dialog instead of the newly selected AppleShare IP server's login dialog. Startup mounting will behave oddly as well.

Question 9: Is AppleShare Client 3.8 compatible with RunShare?

Answer: It is compatible with RunShare v3.0 or later.

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012