Mac OS 9: Modem Makes No Sound

  • Last Modified: November 17, 2003
  • Article: TA27295
  • Old Article: 88166
This article provides a workaround for an internal modem that does not make audible dialing or handshaking sounds.

Products Affected

Mac OS 9.2


The internal modem makes no sound.


These solutions assume the speakers work and that you hear sounds from other sources such as an audio CD.

Mac OS 9.0 - 9.0.4
    1. Open the Modem control panel.
    2. Make sure the Sound option is on.
    3. Open the Sound control panel.
    4. Click Input.
    5. Click Built-in.
    6. Choose Internal Modem as the Input Source.
    7. Click "Play sound through output device" to enable that option.

Mac OS 9.1
    1. Open the Modem control panel.
    2. Make sure the Sound option is on.
    3. Open the Sound control panel.
    4. Click the Input tab.
    5. Select Internal Modem.
    6. Click "Play sound through output device" to enable that option.

If following these steps do not resolve the issue, reset the computer's parameter RAM (PRAM).

Related Documents

31321 Mac OS 9.1: No Sound From Internal Modem When Network Setup Extension Is Disabled
43079 Modem: Troubleshooting References
58044 iMac: No Sound or Startup Chime Heard
2238 Macintosh: How to Reset PRAM and NVRAM