iTunes: Working with ID3 Tags

  • Last Modified: June 27, 2007
  • Article: TA27299
  • Old Article: 88186

Products Affected

Mac OS X 10.0, iTunes

This article explains how to update ID3 tags on MP3 files that contain no information, partial, or incorrect information in iTunes.


iTunes contains no information, partial, or incorrect information in some of the fields (Song, Artist, Year, Album, Track Number, Genre)


If you want to change information in one of the ID3 Tags fields in the Library or a playlist, follow these steps:

  1. Select a song by clicking it within iTunes. If you wanted to change the info for more than one song (batch), select all of the files you want to have similar information by holding down the Command key, and clicking each song to be changed.
  2. Choose Get Info from the File menu, or use Command-I. This opens the iTunes Song Information window.
  3. Click the "Tags" tab.
  4. The Song Name field is next to the iTunes MP3 icon.
  5. In the "Tags" window you can make changes to all fields shown.

Note: The Song Name field must contain information. (The Song Name field is located next to the iTunes MP3 icon.)

An alternative is to use a utility such as ID3X.

Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

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