iMovie 3.0.3: Pressing the Delete Key Doesn't Delete Clips or Audio
If your computer's keyboard has an F13 key, press Backspace instead of Delete to deleting audio or video clips in iMovie 3.0.3.
Products Affected
The "del" key below F13 will not work with iMovie.
For most keyboards, pressing the Delete key located below the F11 and F12 keys removes audio or video clips from your iMovie project.
If your keyboard doesn't have a Delete key, or if pressing the Delete key doesn't work, press the Backspace key instead.
Additional information
The "del" key is sometimes referred to as the "Forward Delete" key.
This document contains information from the iMovie 3.0.3 Late Breaking News
The "del" key below F13 will not work with iMovie.
For most keyboards, pressing the Delete key located below the F11 and F12 keys removes audio or video clips from your iMovie project.
If your keyboard doesn't have a Delete key, or if pressing the Delete key doesn't work, press the Backspace key instead.
Additional information
The "del" key is sometimes referred to as the "Forward Delete" key.
This document contains information from the iMovie 3.0.3 Late Breaking News