Some Address Book fields don't sync with Sony Ericsson P800 via iSync
If you have already synced contacts to your P800 mobile phone from another source, like Microsoft Outlook on a PC, some of the fields may not sync to Address Book when you use iSync.
Products Affected
If you have lost data on your P800 because of this, you may be able to recover most, if not all, of your contact information by recovering the information from the application you used before iSync.
After the data has been restored, follow these easy steps to use the P800 with iSync:
You can now sync without worrying about data loss.
Tip: You should only sync a device using iSync. Do not also sync it with other applications on a Mac or Windows-compatible computer.
Additional Information
This happens because the data from the other application is not in a format recognized by iSync. iSync recognizes data that comes from the phone, or is in that same data format. If it is not in that format, such as information from PC Microsoft Outlook, iSync will not recognize the proper fields.
After the data has been restored, follow these easy steps to use the P800 with iSync:
- Deselect the option to only synchronize contacts with phone numbers in the phone settings of iSync. This prevents iSync from ignoring contacts without phone numbers. However, this will prevent iSync from removing the contacts with unrecognized information from the phone. You may still have contacts in Address Book that do not have the same information as on the P800. See Additional Information below.
- After the initial sync with iSync, verify the data integrity. For contacts that do not have the same information in Address Book and the P800, enter the correct information in Address Book.
- It is very important not to use the Reset All Devices or Revert to Last Sync commands in iSync until you verify that the data is the same on the phone and in Address Book. If you use either command before this is completed, you could lose your contact information.
- Once you have verified the data on the phone and Address Book are the same, click Sync in iSync.
You can now sync without worrying about data loss.
Tip: You should only sync a device using iSync. Do not also sync it with other applications on a Mac or Windows-compatible computer.
Additional Information
This happens because the data from the other application is not in a format recognized by iSync. iSync recognizes data that comes from the phone, or is in that same data format. If it is not in that format, such as information from PC Microsoft Outlook, iSync will not recognize the proper fields.