Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Express: Custom Window Layouts Don't Appear

  • Last Modified: October 04, 2008
  • Article: TA27458
  • Old Article: 93249
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Three issues can cause custom layouts not to appear in the Window > Arrange menu.

Products Affected

Final Cut Pro, Final Cut Express


Custom window layouts don't appear in the Window > Arrange menu.

There are three issues that can cause custom layouts not to appear:

    1. The Dock was made larger or was moved after a layout was created .
    2. Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express window(s) spanned across monitors on a dual-monitor system when you saved the layout.
    3. You logged in as a NetInfo user.


Try the following for issue 1:

  • From the Apple menu, choose Dock, and the choose Turn Hiding On (Option-Command-D).
  • If the Dock has been resized or moved, create a new layout.
  • If the Dock has been resized or moved from the Window menu, choose Restore Window Layout and then save new the readjusted layout with same name.

Try the following for issue 2:
  • Never save a window layout that overlaps another Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Express window or overlaps monitors.
  • From the Window menu, choose Restore Window Layout and then save new readjusted layout with same name.

Try the following for issue 3:
  • From the Window menu, choose Restore Window Layout.

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