Soundtrack: Quits Unexpectedly on Power Mac G5
Soundtrack may quit unexpectedly when certain actions are performed after opening the Preferences pane.
Products Affected
Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro
Note: This issue only occurs on the Power Mac G5. "Mac OS X 10.2.7 (G5)" is available only with Power Mac G5 computers and cannot be installed on other computers.
Soundtrack unexpectedly quits.
This happens if you do one of these actions after opening the Preferences pane:
- Create a new document.
- Open a previously saved document.
- Click the Record Transport button.
Note: This issue only occurs on the Power Mac G5. "Mac OS X 10.2.7 (G5)" is available only with Power Mac G5 computers and cannot be installed on other computers.
Update to Soundtrack 1.1. The update can be obtained via the Software Update pane in System Preferences.