Final Cut Pro 4.1: Timeline Copy and Paste Follows Auto Selected Tracks
Learn how copying and pasting clips has changed in Final Cut Pro 4.1.
Products Affected
Final Cut Pro
In earlier versions of Final Cut Pro, clips pasted in the Timeline are placed in the currently selecteddestination tracks. In Final Cut Pro 4.1, clips pasted in the Timeline are placed according to track Auto Select controls.
When clips are pasted in the Final Cut Pro 4.0.2 Timeline, the following rules apply:
- The currently selected destination tracks determine where clips are pasted.
Linked video and audio clips are pasted in corresponding video and audio pairs: Video track V1 corresponds to audio tracks A1 and A2, video track V2 corresponds to audio tracks A3 and A4, and so on. For example, if you set track V2 as the video destination track, the linked audio clips are pasted automatically in tracks A3 and A4.
When clips are copied in the Final Cut Pro 4.1 Timeline, only clips on the auto-selected tracks are copied to the clipboard. If no tracks are auto-selected, selected clips on all tracks are copied.
When clips are pasted in the Final Cut Pro 4.1 Timeline, they are placed according to auto-selected tracks, not destination tracks, and the following Auto Select rules apply:
- If there are no auto-selected tracks, tracks V1 and A1 are used by default.
- When pasting multiple clips, the relative track placement of the copied clips is always maintained. For example, two video clips copied from tracks V1 and V3 will maintain the one-track gap between them when pasted. Audio track clip relationships are maintained similarly, and they are independent from video track clip relationships.
Note:he examples above show that only one auto-selected audio track is necessary to determine where the audio pair will be pasted. The same is true when pasting multiple video clips.
- The lowest numbered auto-selected tracks are used. For example, if tracks V2, V3, A3, and A4 are auto-selected, tracks V2 and A3 are used.
- Pasting linked video and audio clips requires both auto-selected video and audio tracks. If only one type of track is auto-selected, Final Cut Pro automatically determines the other track: Video track V1 corresponds to audio tracks A1 and A2, video track V2 corresponds to audio tracks A3 and A4, and so on. For example, if you auto select track V2 (and no audio tracks), linked audio clips will be pasted automatically in audio tracks A3 and A4. Auto-selecting specific tracks overrides this rule.
Tips for Faster Copying and Pasting
Since the lowest numbered auto-selected video and audio tracks determine where clips will be pasted in the Timeline, you can save time by choosing only one video and audio auto-selected track.
To auto select a single video or audio track:
- Option-click the Auto Select control for the single track you want to auto select.