DVD Studio Pro 2.0.4: About Dual-Layer Break Points

  • Last Modified: February 13, 2004
  • Article: TA27556
  • Old Article: 93514
Learn about how DVD Studio Pro has changed the default dual-layer break point flag starting with the DVD Studio Pro 2.0.3 update and how to modify the default setting.

Products Affected

DVD Studio

DVD Studio Pro has changed the behavior of the dual-layer break point starting with version 2.0.3. It now forces a pause during playback of DVD-9 projects while the DVD player switches to the second layer. While this change to a non-seamless dual-layer break point will increase compatibility of your DVD project with DVD players, you may still wish to use the seamless method.

To override the default and create DVD-9 projects with seamless dual-layer break points:
  1. Open Terminal (Applications/Utilities).
  2. Type "defaults write com.apple.dvdstudiopro SeamlessLayerBreak YES" at the command prompt and press Return. (With this setting, DVD Studio Pro versions 2.0.3 and later will create a DVD-9 with no pause when switching layers, but it may be incompatible with some players.)

To return to the default and create DVD-9 projects with non-seamless dual-layer break points:

  1. Open Terminal (Applications/Utilities).
  2. Type "defaults write com.apple.dvdstudiopro SeamlessLayerBreak NO" at the command prompt. (With this setting, DVD Studio Pro versions 2.0.3 and later will create a more compatible DVD-9 with a slight pause when switching layers. This is the default setting.)

To verify the setting:

  1. Open com.apple.dvdstudiopro.plist in ~/Library/Preferences/ with a text editor. Note: The Tilde (~) represents your home directory.
  2. Search for "SeamlessLayerBreak".

    • If the value for "SeamlessLayerBreak" is set to "YES", seamless dual-layer break points will be used.
    • If the value for "SeamlessLayerBreak" is set to "NO", non-seamless dual-layer break points will be used.

Note: The Seamless/Non-Seamless flag is set only during the DDP or CMF formatting process.