Xserve G5: "Storage.Fixed.SMART Test Result Status" error appears in Xserve Remote Diagnostics 1.0

Learn what to do if you get a "Storage.Fixed.SMART Test Result Status" error when you run Xserve Remote Diagnostics.
When you run Xserve Remote Diagnostics 1.0, you might see a message similar to this:

00:03:93:F5:19:F4 08/30/04 16:39:13 Testing [0000000A] Storage.Fixed.SMART Test Result Status 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 08/30/04 16:39:13 FAILED, result:6 "Error Writing to Device"


00:03:93:F5:19:F4 08/30/04 16:39:13 Testing [0000000A] Storage.Fixed.SMART Test Result Status 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 08/30/04 16:39:13 FAILED, result:14 "(null)"

This message may appear if the mass storage device being tested is the Xserve RAID. You can determine which mass storage device is being tested by matching the number shown in square brackets [0000000A] with the information shown in the DEVICE SUMMARY.

For example :

00:03:93:F5:19:F4 [0000000A] ? ? HDD 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 commodity-type : MASS 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 vendor : ? 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 model : ? 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 type : HDD 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 interface : SCSI 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 capacity : 555 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 location : SLOT-2, Channel: 2, ID: 0, LUN: 0 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 version : 1.16 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 bsd-name : ? 00:03:93:F5:19:F4 is-boot-drive : FALSE

The above example indicates a Xserve RAID device (shown as a SCSI device, even though the individual hard drives are connected using an ATA or SATA interface).

This does not indicate an issue with your Xserve G5 or Xserve RAID. This alert is caused by a reporting issue in the software.
You can either ignore the "failure" or turn off the "Storage.Fixed.SMART Test Result Status" test by following these steps:

  1. Optionally, start by making a backup copy of the test definition file that you will be modifying. Two files have the same test - quick.tdf and extended.tdf. Copies of these files are found in ~/Library/Application Support/xrdiags/.
  2. Using a text editor such as TextEdit, open either or both of the test definition files mentioned in step 1 (quick.tdf and extended.tdf).
  3. Navigate to the line of the file that looks like the following: In quick.tdf:

    TEST 1 FALSE "Storage.Fixed" QUICK OF SA 19 [commodity-type='MASS',type="HDD"] "SMART Test Result Status" "SMART Threshold Exceeded Limits Results" "" "" ""

    In extended.tdf:

    TEST 1 FALSE "Storage.Fixed" EXTENDED OF SA 19 [commodity-type='MASS',type="HDD"] "SMART Test Result Status" "SMART Threshold Exceeded Limits Results" "" "" ""

  4. Either delete the line in its entirety, or simply add a hash mark (#) to the beginning of the line, to comment the line out. For example:

    #TEST 1 FALSE "Storage.Fixed" QUICK OF SA 19 [commodity-type='MASS',type="HDD"] "SMART Test Result Status" "SMART Threshold Exceeded Limits Results" "" "" ""

  5. Alternatively, you may correct the test definition so that the test is only run on devices connected with an ATA or SATA interface. Do this by duplicating the test definition line, and adding the additional ,interface="ATA" or ,interface="SATA" parameter inside the square brackets, as shown below. Please note, there should be no white space between the parameters. For example :

    TEST 1 FALSE "Storage.Fixed" QUICK OF SA 19 [commodity-type='MASS',type="HDD",interface="ATA"] "SMART Test Result Status" "SMART Threshold Exceeded Limits Results" "" "" "" TEST 1 FALSE "Storage.Fixed" QUICK OF SA 19 [commodity-type='MASS',type="HDD",interface="SATA"] "SMART Test Result Status" "SMART Threshold Exceeded Limits Results" "" "" ""

  6. Save changes and close the document. The incorrect tests will no longer be included the next time Xserve Remote Diagnostics are run.

This document will be updated when more information becomes available.

Last Modified: Feb 19, 2012

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