Apple III Port C: RS-232-C Pinouts & Configuration (10/94)

  • Last Modified: October 12, 1994
  • Article: TA27977
  • Old Article: 1021

The following table explains how use System Utilities to configure the driver for the RS-232 port (Serial Interface and Serial Card III). Remember to set the slot number on the Serial Card III driver.

Data Configuaration Blocks:

Data Configuration
Block Address: $00
Baud rate:
110 $03
134.5 $04
300 $06
600 $07
1200 $08
1800 $09
2400 $0A
4800 $0C
9600 $0E

Data Configuration
Block Address: $00 $01
Data Format:
Bits Parity
8 none $00
7 odd $22
7 even $26
7 MARK $2A
6 odd $42
6 even $46
6 MARK $4A

Data Configuration * * *
Block Address: $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B
Comm Protocol:
none $00
XON/XOFF $80 $13 $11 $DF $84 $00
ENQ/ACK $40 $05 $06 $50 $00
ETX/ACK $40 $03 $06 $50 $00
HW Handshake $00 $DF $84 $80

* $02 - Delay after CR
* $03 - Delay after LF
* $04 - Delay after FF

Delays (bytes $02, $03, and $04)

Using this driver to connect to a printer may require that you set delay times while the printer advances to a new line or the top of a new page. These delays are given in the range $00...$FF characters. The RS-232 driver will wait for the time taken to transmit the amount of character specified before it sends the following character.


Connector Signal Name
1 ...... Shield Ground
2 ...... Transmit Data (Tx)
3 ...... Receive Data (Rx)
4 ...... Request to send (RTS)
5 ...... Clear To Send (CTS)
6 ...... Data Set Ready (DSR)
7 ...... Signal Ground
8 ...... Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
20 ...... Data Terminal Ready (DTR)

Serial Card III has a modem eliminator button; when this button is "in", the above pinouts are correct. If the button is "out", this has the effect of a modem eliminator cable being installed. (For more information on modem eliminator cables, search this database for MODEM AND ELIMINATOR.)

Article Change History:
12 Oct 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

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