Archived - AppleTalk Remote Access: Sample V.32bis Script with Comments

I have a new V.32bis modem that I want to use with AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA), but there's no script on the application disk that I can use with it.
The following AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA) script for the Telebit T3000 modem is a good example of how to write a script for any given V.32bis modem.
  • Notes
    This discussion assumes that you have access to the documentation for AppleTalk Remote Access and that you are familiar with the command syntax and scripting basics.
  • The command syntax is in the AppleTalk Remote Access Modem Scripting Language Guide.
  • You can order the guide from APDA at: 800-282-2732 (USA), 800-637-0029 (Canada), or 408-562-3910 (International).

! "Telebit T3000 Modem 11/11/91"
! 11/14/91 - Added a ton o' comments
! 11/23/91 - Cleaned up comments a little bit more,
! and added S11=50.
! 12/2/91 - Took S11 back out.
! 12/9/91 - Added the pinouts for the RTS/CTS cable to the comments
! Since you have to make a hardware handshaking cable.
! 1/16/92 - Add a bunch more comments about the cable.
! 3/30/92 - Added comments about the hang up sequence.
! 3/31/92 - Added sbreak in hangup sequence to speed things up.
! 3/31/92 - Added S38=3 to help ensure that the modem will be
! able to transmit all the data in its buffer (including
! the disconnect command for the remote modem!) before
! it hangs up.
! 4/2/92 - Changed S38 to 255. See notes below.
! 4/2/92 - Changed S51 to 254 in hang up sequence since 19200 is
! our DTE speed.
! Note the cable requirements when using a V.32bis modem. Since a lot
! of people do not have this cable, you should not use this approach when
! scripting for V.32 or slower modems.
! The cable requirement for using a V.32bis modem with AppleTalk Remote
! Access is a hardware handshaking cable. The Macintosh can be overrun
! with data when the modem is in high speed mode with compression enabled.
! If a standard cable is used, ARA senses it and doesn't allow the modem
! to connect at the high speed. It automatically drops down to 9600 bps.
! The correct cables can be purchased from many of the modem vendors.
! Cable needed to use AppleTalk Remote Access with V.32bis modems:
! Din-8 DB-25
! ----- -----
! 1 (DTR) 4,20 (RTS, DTR)
! 2 (CTS) 5 (CTS)*
! 3 (TxD-) 2 (TD)
! 4 (SG) 7 (SG)
! 5 (RxD-) 3 (RD)
! 6 (TxD+) Not Connected
! 7 (GPi) 8 (DCD)
! 8 (RxD+) 7 (SG)
! *Normally 2 (CTS) <-!6 (DSR) on other Macintosh cables.
!- One consequence of using this cable is that DSR (or DCD) from the modem
! is no longer connected to the Macintosh. This does not let your
! Macintosh communications software use the DSR (or DCD) signal to detect
! carrier loss. And, since the Macintosh Serial driver does not support
! the GPi are sort of stuck, unless your communications
! software does use the GPi input, or Apple builds GPi support into the
! serial driver.
!- Since DTR and RTS are connected together, the modem must be configured
! to ignore DTR (usually the &D0; command) when using this cable with
! other communications applications. Otherwise, when RTS handshaking from
! the Macintosh is used, the modem will drop connection the first time the
! Macintosh de-asserts RTS.
!- If there is a need to use DTR to make the modem disconnect, RTS
! handshaking cannot be used to control the flow of data from the modem to
! the Macintosh. CTS handshaking (from the modem to the Macintosh) is
! available. This is what ARA does so it can force the modem to hang up,
! and at the same time the modem can signal the Macintosh to stop sending
! data. This assumes that the Macintosh will always be able to accept
! data from the modem. This will not be true if the Macintosh is talking
! to the modem at 57.6KBps with V.32bis & V.42Bis. There will be times
! when the Macintosh will need to signal the modem to stop sending data.
! In summary, with this cable:
! If you want to use RTS hardware handshaking, you cannot use DTR to
! control the modem. You will have to resort to other methods to coerce
! the modem to disconnect.
! If you want to control the modem with DTR, you cannot use RTS hardware
! handshaking so the Macintosh must be able to accept data from the modem
! at all times, or can recover if data is lost.
! In either case you can use CTS hardware handshaking so the modem can
! signal the Macintosh to discontinue sending data.
! Talk to the modem at 19,200 bps. The T3000 should auto-baud this
! unless the user has locked the port to a particular speed. If it
! is locked to a different speed, the user will need to change that.
serreset 19200, 0, 8, 1
! The idea here is to get the modem into a known state, and then change
! only the registers that are necessary to support the connection. Most
! of the time AT&F; will be sufficient, but some modems allow the user to
! change the F0 parameters. There isn't much that can be done to prevent
! this, but if the modem has any pre-configured configurations, and one of
! them sets hardware handshaking, use it.
! Recall the factory configuration
! F9 is the built in pre-configured setting for CTS/RTS handshaking on the
! T3000. Since it's possible for the user to modify F0 parameters, this is
! a little safer.
! AT&F9; sets:
! &C1; - DCD is on after connect
! &D2; - DTR on/off disconnects
! S58=2 - Use RTS/CTS flow control in full-duplex mode
! S61=1 - Go into command mode when receiving break from DTE (see
! @HANGUP for why the script cares about this).
! Every time the script needs to send commands to the modem, the strategy
! is: Clear all matchstrings, look for specific responses, and loop around
! a couple of times. Later in the script, certain loops pause 50-70
! seconds, such as when the script dials a number and is waiting for a
! connection. Other times, the script pauses 3-5 seconds and loops around.
! When the script is sending commands to the modem, it should expect to
! see a response within a couple of seconds, so it's best to look quickly
! and exit with an error in a reasonable amount of time so the users do
! not wait a for a long time before they are notified that they may need
! to power-cycle/reset the modem. When the script is dialing out over a
! telephone system or PBX, it needs enough time to make a connection. In
! short, if it's communicating to a modem, loop in 3-7 second increments.
! If the script is waiting for something other than a modem response (like
! a completed connection or terminal server) it may need 60-70 seconds.
! If the defaults cannot be set, jump down to label 59, which exits and
! asks the user to check out the modem. If an AT&F; command will not be
! accepted, the modem may be hung and needs to be manually reset.
settries 0
matchstr 1 4 "OK\\13\\10"
write "AT&F9;\\13"
matchread 30
iftries 2 59
! Modem is not responding, reset and send a break
pause 5
jump 1
! The script was able to get the modem into a default factory state. Now
! set the basic hardware type configuration such as command echo, hardware
! handshaking, and DTR control. If the &F9; command had not set up
! handshaking this is where it would be done. It's not desirable to
! create one long command string with everything on it because some modems
! cannot handle a long command string, and long strings are harder to
! debug. It's easy to enter an incorrect S-register value. For the most
! part, the following commands are probably common across a lot of modems,
! but always look up the commands in the modem manual.
! Next, Set up the configuration: drop connection after losing DTR
! Turn off auto answer and command echo.
! &D3; - DTR on/off resets modem
! S0=0 - Don't answer calls
! E0 - Turn command echo off
pause 5
matchstr 1 5 "OK\\13\\10"
write "AT&D3S0;=0E0\\13"
matchread 30
jump 59
! Now that the modem hardware & flow control parameters are set, make sure
! any protocol negotiation is disabled, and issue any modem specific
! features here. Make sure that MNP4/V.42, and MNP5-10/V.42bis
! negotiations are disabled. By the way, some V.32/V.32bis modems have an
! option to disable Trellis error control, which is part of the physical
! layer modulation. This is not the same as MNP/V.42, and you do not want
! to disable it!
! Make sure that the modem is configured so it does NOT require error
! control to complete a link. ARA 1.0 does all error correction/data
! compression in software. All ARA wants is the fastest raw data pipe it
! can get. If the script spends time trying to negotiate some error
! control, the modems and/or Remote Access may time out.
! Also note the S38 configuration. It is noted later in the script that
! it is desirable to ensure that the modem's buffer has transmitted all of
! its data before it actually hangs the modem up. This ability appears to
! be implemented on a lot of modems.
! This set of commands is going to be implemented differently on different
! vendors V.32bis modems. In this example, Telebit uses S registers.
! Other modems may use S registers (but different registers), or \\
! commands, or % commands; you get the idea. (Did I mention that you
! really, really want to have your modem manual handy?)
! It is important that the modem is configured so that it returns
! the connected speed, NOT the DTE speed. The script needs to know what
! the real line speed is in order to set ARA's internal timers. Some
! modems don't have the option to display the line speed. In that case
! the performance of the connection may not be optimal.
! Next, disable MNP and error control
! Turn on internal buffering (for V.32bis), set the delay before
! disconnect, and extended result codes (CTS/RTS flow control was set when
! we issued &F9;, so it is not necessary to do it again).
! S180=0 - Turn off all error detection/correction (ARA does MNP and
! compression itself. It needs these turned off in the modem).
! S181=1 - Turn *on* DTE <-> line buffering if there is no error control.
! Since the modem will be talking to the
! Macintosh at 19,200 bps no matter what speed
! it connects at, this needs to be on.
! S38=255 - Wait until the modem's buffer is clear OR the other modem
! disconnects after an ATH is issued before dropping the line.
! This is done to ensure that all any data in the modem's buffer
! has been transmitted to the remote modem before it
! disconnects. If the remote connection does not receive the
! disconnect packet (usually the last one sent) it could take up
! to 45 seconds for the remote connection to timeout and
! disconnect.
! X2 - Issue extended result codes. This will display busy, connect XXX,
! and so on. X2 will say "CONNECT XXX" Where XXX is the line speed
! (as opposed to DTE speed). This is so ARA can determine what speed
! the modems are communicating at for timing.
pause 5
matchstr 1 6 "OK\\13\\10"
write "ATS180=0S181=1S38=255X2\\13"
matchread 30
jump 59
! The modem should now be properly configured. Now check to see if the
! user has turned off the modem speaker. If they have, send an additional
! command to turn it off.
! If speaker on flag is true, jump to label 8. Otherwise turn off the
! speaker.
ifstr 2 8 "1"
pause 5
matchstr 1 8 "OK\\13\\10"
write "ATM0\\13"
matchread 30
jump 59
! The modem is ready so enable answering, or originate a call.
pause 5
note "Dialing ^1" 3
write "ATDT^1\\13"
! Be aware that different modems will have different format strings
! to return connection results. You need to understand the different
! possible strings and set this area (and then answer area at label 31) to
! the appropriate value. Also, remember that the modem was configured to
! return the connect speed if possible (The X2 command up at label 5).
! It's also useful if the modem can return busy, no dialtone, etc. since
! the script will be able to exit quicker and let the user know what is
! going on.
! Also note that the script waits at the bottom of label 9 for a 70
! seconds, rather then looping around. Why? Well, if the script
! re-issues the dial command too soon, that would cause the modem to hang
! up. At this point the script should wait a reasonable amount of time
! for one of these strings to return from the modem and take the
! appropriate action.
matchstr 1 11 "CONNECT 1200\\13\\10"
matchstr 2 12 "CONNECT 2400\\13\\10"
matchstr 3 13 "CONNECT 4800\\13\\10"
matchstr 4 19 "CONNECT 7200\\13\\10"
matchstr 5 14 "CONNECT 9600\\13\\10"
matchstr 6 20 "CONNECT 12000\\13\\10"
matchstr 7 18 "CONNECT 14400\\13\\10"
matchstr 8 50 "NO CARRIER\\13\\10"
matchstr 9 50 "ERROR\\13\\10"
matchstr 10 52 "NO DIALTONE\\13\\10"
matchstr 11 53 "BUSY\\13\\10"
matchstr 12 54 "NO ANSWER\\13\\10"
matchread 700
jump 59
! All that is done for different connect speeds is to issue a
! "CommunicatingAt" command. Remember, the interface speed is locked
! to 19,200 bps so the script doesn't want to reset the serial speed after
! it connects.
! CommunicatingAt tells ARA what the actual line speed is so that it
! can set its timers appropriately. I guess performance would be
! sub-optimal if this is not set...
note "Communicating at 1200 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 1200
jump 15
note "Communicating at 2400 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 2400
jump 15
note "Communicating at 4800 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 4800
jump 15
note "Communicating at 7200 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 7200
jump 15
note "Communicating at 9600 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 9600
jump 15
note "Communicating at 12000 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 12000
jump 15
note "Communicating at 14400 bps." 2
CommunicatingAt 14400
jump 15
! Set CTS handshaking ON in the serial port (that's the 1 in the HSReset
! command below)
! The modems have connected, so enable hardware handshaking on the serial
! port. If the script is answering a telephone call, just exit right away
! and starting communicating. If the script is dialing out, give the
! other end some time (3 seconds in this example) to get ready to talk to
! this modem. Exit 0 tells Remote Access that the script was successful
! in attempting a connection.
HSReset 0 1 0 0 0 0
pause 30
exit 0
! Notice that the @ANSWER label is actually a comment here, and that
! @ORIGINATE and @ANSWER start at the same place. What's the point of
! having separate entry points if they are not used? Well, in the case of
! modems, when they dial out or wait for a call, the setup is usually the
! same. One reason for separate entry points is when the script is not
! directly talking to a modem, but maybe to a PBX or terminal server. It
! may be necessary to have completely different configuration for
! answering and originating connections.
! Set up the modem to answer the telephone.
write "ATS0=1\\13"
matchstr 1 31 "OK\\13\\10"
matchread 30
jump 59
! What is userhook 1 doing in label 32? Here's the idea: Either this
! script controls a server that is waiting to answer the telephone, or
! it's waiting for a callback to a connection that was initiated.
! AppleTalk Remote Access does a "passive" listen on the serial port (via
! the Serial Port Arbitrator) so that other communications applications
! can use the serial port when ARA is not using it. When a call comes in
! for a server or callback, there will be about 5-14 seconds while the
! modems negotiate the connection. What would happen if a communications
! application on this Macintosh wanted to use the serial port during that
! time? Both connections would fail. The userhook 1 command tells ARA to
! mark the serial port in use. When that happens, applications that want
! to use the serial port will be told it's busy, and the incoming
! connection can complete. With that in mind, the strategy below is:
! When the modem receives a ring, jump to label 32, issue the userhook 1
! command, then jump back up to label 31, wait for the connect result code
! and continue processing the script.
matchstr 1 32 "RING\\13\\10"
matchstr 2 11 "CONNECT 1200\\13\\10"
matchstr 3 12 "CONNECT 2400\\13\\10"
matchstr 4 13 "CONNECT 4800\\13\\10"
matchstr 5 19 "CONNECT 7200\\13\\10"
matchstr 6 14 "CONNECT 9600\\13\\10"
matchstr 7 20 "CONNECT 12000\\13\\10"
matchstr 8 18 "CONNECT 14400\\13\\10"
matchstr 9 50 "NO CARRIER\\13\\10"
matchstr 10 50 "ERROR\\13\\10"
matchstr 11 52 "NO DIALTONE\\13\\10"
matchstr 12 53 "BUSY\\13\\10"
matchstr 13 54 "NO ANSWER\\13\\10"
matchread 700
jump 31
userhook 1
note "Answering phone..." 2
jump 31
! These are some common error messages when the line is busy, no dialtone,
! etc. They are documented in the Scripting Language Guide. When the
! script exits with a code other than zero, Remote Access knows that the
! connection failed, and will inform the user with a dialog.
! 50: error messages
exit -6021
exit -6020
exit -6022
exit -6023
exit -6019
! Hang up the modem
! Note: Why try to enter command mode and hang up the line with ATH, when
! de-asserting DTR will always work, and it is used as a last resort
! anyway? If DTR is used immediately, the modem will hang up
! immediately. This can have the ill effect of hanging up before
! all the data in the modem's internal transmit buffer has been
! sent. It is very desirable to have the last byte of data sent
! make it out of the modem and across the phone line. Typically,
! the last packet sent is the disconnect packet, and if the other
! side misses this packet, it may have to wait up to 45 seconds to
! hang up.
settries 0
HSReset 0 0 0 0 0 0
! Here's the basic logic for hanging up: If the modem can be configured
! to enter command mode when it receives a short break, send a short
! break. Send an ATH to hang the line up (and if possible up in the
! configuration, set the modem to attempt to send all the data in the
! buffer before it disconnects). If that fails, it must still be on
! line, so send the escape sequence to try to drop into command mode.
! Don't issue a short break again since it did not work the first time.
! If that fails, de-assert DTR which should force the modem to hang up
! (make sure the cable is wired properly for this option!).
! If +++ worked, don't send a short break again; flush the serial port
! buffer in case the ATH failed due to any stray data hanging around.
! How was this sequence determined? Trial and error. Different vendors'
! modems behave differently when disconnecting. Some modems will not
! enter command modem during a disconnect, and the only option is to
! de-assert DTR to force them to reset. That's why DTR resets the modem
! instead of just disconnecting it! Experiment with this sequence to make
! it function, but it should work with the majority of the modems
! available.
! Now, since the Telebit modems will drop into command mode when they
! receive a short break (S61=1), issue one here. This will speed up the
! disconnect sequence by about 5-6 seconds. Then continue on with normal
! AT disconnect processing.
! Wait a brief amount of time (1/2 second in this case) so the modem will
! be ready to accept the ATH command. Pause 1 actually seems to work ok,
! but it's set to 5 just to be safe.
pause 5
write "ATH\\13"
matchstr 1 63 "NO CARRIER\\13\\10"
matchstr 2 63 "OK\\13\\10"
matchstr 3 63 "ERROR\\13\\10"
matchread 30
iftries 3 63
! no response, try escape sequence
write "+++"
matchstr 1 62 "OK\\13\\10"
matchread 15
! No Response from modem, toggle DTR
pause 5
jump 61
! Pause 1 second to ensure we meet the escape time delay
pause 10
write "ATH\\13"
matchstr 1 63 "OK\\13\\10"
matchstr 2 63 "NO CARRIER\\13\\10"
matchstr 3 63 "ERROR\\13\\10"
matchread 30
jump 61
! Now that the modems have disconnected, and the script has possibly reset
! the modem, restore the factory settings. Remember, the script may have
! hung up the modem in order to get ready for a callback, or it wants to
! get ready to wait to answer a call again.
! recall the factory settings. Use &F9; again (see note at top of script)
matchstr 1 64 "OK\\13\\10"
pause 15
write "AT&F9;\\13"
matchread 30
! Now turn off auto answer if it was turned on to answer a call. If this
! script controls a server, the @ANSWER sequence will be called by ARA.
! One other thing to watch out for here is that some modems expect to
! talk to the DTE at the last connected speed. If this is a V.32bis
! modem and it just finished a connection with a 2400 baud modem, it
! doesn't necessarily want to talk at 2400 the next time! Some modems
! don't exhibit this behavior, so play with it and see what happens.
! Finally, since it successfully hung up, exit the script with a result
! code of 0 to let Remote Access know everything worked.
! Turn off auto answer, set S51 so modem will check interface speed on next
! connection. If this is not done, the modem will not try to autobaud,
! with the result being it exits the script with an error.
! S51=254 - Autobaud (19200 bps default)
! S0=0 - Don't try to answer the phone
pause 5
matchstr 1 65 "OK\\13\\10"
write "ATS51=255S0=0\\13"
matchread 20
exit 0

For more information about using V.32bis modems with AppleTalk Remote
Access, use "AppleTalk Remote Access AND V.32bis" as a search string.

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