Hardware Configuration:
Apple IIe
Super Serial Card in Slot 2. The jumper block should be set to terminal.
Straight thru cable - 590-0037
Apple IIc
Apple IIc-ImageWriter/Scribe printer cable.
Gender changer - 590-0214
Appleline - 699-0239 with version 2.2 of the ROMs.
Appleline wall mounting power supply - 970-0950
(optional - Loop Back Connector - 970-0879)
Software Configuration:
ProDOS 1.1.1
Apple Access II v 1.1
Set Access II as follows:
Terminal Characteristics
"Set ANSI Mode"
"Do NOT Send LF After CR" - for Supervisor mode
"Send LF After CR" - for 'On-Line' mode
"7 Bits per Character"
"Enable XON/XOFF"
"Normal Video"
"Full Duplex"
"No Wraparound"
Set Speed - "2400 baud"
Set Parity - "Even"
Appleline Configuration:
Terminal Type................."VT100"
Baud Rate....................."2400"
Speed Indicator..............."Disabled"
Modem type...................."Local Connect"
Auto Logoff..................."Disabled"
Special Terminal Capability..."None"
24/25 Line Automatic Toggle..."Disabled"
1- Set Access II for 2400 baud. 4800 & 9600 seem to overrun it.
2- The autobaud sequence is OpenApple-B Return (OA-B Return).
3- If you use 8 bits per character, set parity to None in Access II and on
the Appleline.
For more information on VT-100 keypad sequences, see Apple Access II
(030-0923-A, copyright 1983), Appendix i, pp 165-166.
4 - The mapping for an Apple IIe or IIc running Access II to IBM 3278 Keys is
as follows (not checked):
3278 Key Press
-------- -----
PF1 Esc 1
PF2 Esc 2
PF3 Esc 3
PF4 Esc 4
PF5 Esc 5
PF6 Esc 6
PF7 Esc 7
PF8 Esc 8
PF9 Esc 9
PF10 Esc 0
PF11 Esc - (minus)
PF12 Esc =
PF13 Esc !
PF14 Esc @
PF15 Esc #
PF16 Esc $
PF17 Esc %
PF18 Esc ^
PF19 Esc &
PF20 Esc *
PF21 Esc (
PF22 Esc )
PF23 Esc _ (underscore)
PF24 Esc +
* NEW LINE OA-Return
ENTER Return
HOME Control-\\
LEFT CURSOR Left-Arrow or Control-H
RIGHT CURSOR Right-Arrow or Control-U
DOWN CURSOR Down-Arrow or Control-J
UP CURSOR Up-Arrow or Control-K
PA1 Esc [
* PA2 Esc ]
* DUP Control-OA-U
* FM Control-Y
ATTN Control-A
* SYS REQ Control-B
* CURSR SEL Control-D
CLEAR Control-E
* PRINT Control-P
* IDENT Control-V
* TEST Control-T
RESET Control-R
a DEV CNCL Control-R
INSERT Control-]
b DELETE Delete
- According to the documentation (See Appleline Users Manual, Appleline
Part II: Guide to Lisa, Chapter 2, p65) Control-X should give a DEV CNCL
function, but where DEV CNCL is needed (according to the systems types
there) Control-R works. This is the same code as is used for the RESET
- According to the documentation (See Appleline Users Manual, Appleline
Part II: Guide to Lisa, Chapter 2, p65) Control-underscore should work.
Instead it locks Appleline.
Article Change History:
12 Oct 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.
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