Mac OS X 10.0: Theater Mode Extension May Prevent Use of Other Applications

Opening a Classic application that uses the Mac OS 9 Theater Mode extension (such as QuickTime Player 4.1.2) may interfere with the use of other Classic applications.

Other Classic applications do not open as expected after using a Classic application that calls on the Mac OS 9 Theater Mode extension. QuickTime Player 4.1.2 uses the Theater Mode extension.


Mac OS X 10.1 resolves this issue. Users of Mac OS X 10.0 to 10.0.4 can use the QuickTime 5 Player included with Mac OS X.

If the issue occurs with a different Classic application, disable the Theater Mode extension using the Extensions Manager control panel in Classic. You must then restart Classic.

Note: The Theater Mode extension is only present on computers that use it.
Last Modified: Feb 19, 2012

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