Archived - QuickTime Streaming Server: How to Bind QTSS to a Single IP Address on a Computer That Is Multihoming

You may edit the streamingserver.xml file to bind QuickTime Streaming Server to a single IP address on a Mac OS X computer that is multihoming.
Follow these steps to bind QuickTime Streaming Server to a single IP address:
    1. Stop the QuickTime Streaming Server process.
    2. Locate the file "streamingserver.xml".
    In QTSS 3: /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml
    In QTSS 4: /Library/QuickTimeStreaming/Config/streamingserver.xml
    3. Open the file in TextEdit or another text editing application.
    4. Find the following line: <PREF NAME="bind_ip_addr" >0</PREF>
    5. Replace the 0 in this line with the IP address to which you would like to bind QuickTime Streaming Server. For example:
    <PREF NAME="bind_ip_addr" ></PREF>
    6. Save the file.
    7. Restart the computer.
    8. Start the QuickTime Streaming Server process.
Last Modified: Feb 19, 2012
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  • Last Modified: Feb 19, 2012
  • Article: TA28309
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