Apple II: Transferring Data to a Macintosh Without AFE (10/94)
How can I transfer information from my Apple II to my Macintosh without Apple File Exchange or Macintosh PC Exchange?
The best way to transfer data files from an Apple IIe to a Macintosh, and vice versa, is to use Apple File Exchange (AFE) or Macintosh PC Exchange. However, AFE requires that the Apple II data first be put on 3.5" disks. If that isn't feasible, there's another way:
1. Connect the serial ports of the two computers, using a Macintosh
Imagewriter cable. In the case of the Apple IIe, the connection is made
a Super Serial Card. The Apple IIc, Apple IIGS, and all Macintosh
computers have built-in serial ports.
2. Point the jumper block on the Super Serial Card to MODEM.
3. Run Access II (or comparable application) on the Apple II and
MacTerminal (or comparable application) on the Macintosh.
4. Set one system up to send a file and the other to receive a file. Make
sure both systems are set for the same baud rate, data bits, and so
Sample Software Setup:
Apple II Macintosh
--------------------------- -----------------
TTY Mode TTY Mode
Line Feed + Carriage Return New LIne
8 Bits 8 Bits
Xon/Xoff Xon/Xoff
9600 Baud 9600 Baud
No Parity No Parity
Half Duplex Local Echo
Normal Video Underline Cursor
Wraparound Wraparound
80 Column
Auto repeat
Modem Connection
Article Change History:
18 Oct 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting.
Support Information Services
1. Connect the serial ports of the two computers, using a Macintosh
Imagewriter cable. In the case of the Apple IIe, the connection is made
a Super Serial Card. The Apple IIc, Apple IIGS, and all Macintosh
computers have built-in serial ports.
2. Point the jumper block on the Super Serial Card to MODEM.
3. Run Access II (or comparable application) on the Apple II and
MacTerminal (or comparable application) on the Macintosh.
4. Set one system up to send a file and the other to receive a file. Make
sure both systems are set for the same baud rate, data bits, and so
Sample Software Setup:
Apple II Macintosh
--------------------------- -----------------
TTY Mode TTY Mode
Line Feed + Carriage Return New LIne
8 Bits 8 Bits
Xon/Xoff Xon/Xoff
9600 Baud 9600 Baud
No Parity No Parity
Half Duplex Local Echo
Normal Video Underline Cursor
Wraparound Wraparound
80 Column
Auto repeat
Modem Connection
Article Change History:
18 Oct 1994 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised formatting.
Support Information Services