Archived - DART 1.5.3: Version Change History
DART has been replaced by Disk Copy 6.x, which reads and mounts DART disk images. The most recent version of Disk Copy 6.x can be downloaded from
DART (Disk Archive/Retrieval Tool) is an application that enables you to duplicate Macintosh, Lisa, Apple II, or MS-DOS disks, save disk images, and create disks from image files. DART 1.5 can read disk image files in DART, DiskMaker, or Disk Copy 4.2 format. DART 1.5 image files are compressed, approaching a reduction in size comparable to that obtained by using a commercial compression utility. DART 1.5 is System 7.0 "savvy", and implements a custom Apple event mechanism to automate the conversion of older DART or Disk Copy files to 1.5 format. The conversion process can be run by "remote control" (even across a network!) using the accompanying HyperCard stack. (For more information, please refer to the DART User Manual.)
What's New in version 1.5.3
* Compatibility with Centris 660AV, Quadra 660AV, and Quadra 840AV.
* Compatibility with Apple Event Manager 1.0.1 (a component of AppleScript).
Note: A -64 error occurs launching DART 1.5.3 on a Power Macintosh, but if you click OK, DART continues and everything works as expected.
What's New in version 1.5.2
* Compatibility with new Macintosh Quadra 800 and Centris machines.
* Under certain circumstances, it was possible for DART to open a corrupted Disk Copy file and create an identically corrupted disk (or image file) from it. Checksums on source disk images are now verified correctly, and DART will always display a warning message if the expected and actual checksum values don't match. (Note that while a damaged Disk Copy file can no longer be converted to DART format, it's still possible to make a disk from it and potentially salvage the data on that disk.)
* Fixed a minor (but annoying) display glitch in "Multiple Copies" mode where a portion of the Status message would sometimes be "hidden" underneath the progress bar.
What's New in version 1.5.1
* Compatibility with A/UX 3.0.
* Under System 7, you can now drop a floppy disk onto DART to create an image file.
* The default filename in Save dialogs is now filled in with the volume name of the source disk (if a source has been selected.)
* Volumes can now be mounted in the Finder when DART is running in the background.
* Fixed a bug which could occasionally cause a bus error on certain machines. The error would occur either immediately on launch, or after the about box was dismissed.
* Fixed a bug which could cause DART to refuse to format a blank 1.4M floppy disk (or a 1.4M floppy formatted as 800K) when "Format Disk" was checked.