Newton MessagePad: Using the Newton Assistan
How do I use the Newton Assistant?
The Newton Assistant is the intuitive part of Newton. You may ask it to do things for you using various key request words. These words may or may not be capitalized, and each has several acceptable synonyms. Here is a list of the request words, along with the action they take:
Request Word Action
------------ ------
call, ring, dial --------- Dial a phone number
fax, fax it ------------ Send the item on your screen as a fax (requires a Newton fax modem)
find, find it, look for ----- Search for text search for, locate, locate it
mail, link, e-mail, ------ Send the item on your screen as send this electronic mail
mail this
print, print it ---------- Print the item on your screen (requires a printer)
remember, remind, ----- Add a reminder to your to do list to do, don't forget to, don't let me forget, don't let me forget to do
remind me,
schedule, meet, meet me, -- Add an appointment to your calendar
see, talk to,
- breakfast (implies 7 a.m.),
- lunch (implies noon),
- dinner (implies 7 p.m.),
- holiday (implies day note instead of appointment),
- birthday, bday, b-day, anniversary (all imply a day note that repeats every year)
time, time in, the time in, -- Look up the time in another city
what time is it, what time is it in,
what time, what is the time,
what is the time in
NOTE: You will often ask Newton to do something involving another person. For instance, you may write "lunch with Eric Tuesday." Newton will scan your Names File for Eric, and schedule lunch with him on the following Tuesday. The more complete your Names File, the more helpful the Assistant will be.
Requests in the Assist Drawer
1) Tap the Assist button on the bottom-right of your screen.
2) Tap Please, and choose the appropriate request word. After the request word, write as much information as you can -- such as where, when and with whom -- to direct Newton's action.
3) Tap the Do button.
4) In the confirmation slip that pops up, make any additions or adjustments to the information displayed.
5) Tap the confirmation button at the bottom of the window to tell Newton to follow through on your request (schedule, print, fax, mail, etc.).
Requests Outside the Assist Drawer
1) Write at least one word of your request, beginning with the request word.
2) Select your request, using the select motion.
3) Tap Assist. If Newton is able to decipher your entry, confirmation slip will pop up.
4) Make any additions or adjustments to the confirmation slip.
5) Tap the confirmation button.
Confirmation Slips
Each request, except for Time, has a confirmation slip. Here are some tips on using them:
- Tap the diamonds for suggestions for filling in blanks.
- Fill out all required information, then tap the confirmation button.
NOTE: The more information you offer Newton in the Assist drawer, the more complete the call confirmation slip will be.
Using the Assistant to Dial the Phone
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Call, or write an accepted synonym for Call (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of who you want to call, and the person's number. Tap Do.
3) If you cannot remember the person's number, Newton will fill in the first number listed under that name in its file. If there is more than one number for that person, choose the number you want Newton to dial by tapping the diamond by the word phone. (Hint: If you include the word "home," "work," or "beeper," Newton will look up the proper number. For instance, if you write "call Elaine's beeper" or "call Elaine home," Newton will fill in the proper number in the blank.)
4) Tap Speaker to have Newton dial through its speaker or tap Modem to have Newton dial through the modem.
5) Tap Options to set the calling options, such as your access code for your electronic mail server or a credit card number to charge long-distances costs to.
6) Tap Call.
7) If you tapped Speaker in step 3, hold your Newton to the speaker of the phone. If the call does not go through, try turning the sound volume up under Preferences in the Extras drawer.
Using the Assistant to Fax
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Fax, or write an accepted synonym for Fax (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of the person to whom you want to fax. Newton will look in the Names File for the person you list. Tap Do.
3) If the names card for that person has a fax number, Newton will fill in that blank on the confirmation slip. If not, fill it in yourself.
4) Select the box next to cover page if you want one. Tap Notes to write comments on the cover sheet.
5) Tap Options to enter a credit card number to charge any long-distance costs.
6) Tap Preview to view the fax as it will be sent. Tap Fax if everything is correct.
Using the Assistant to Mail
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Mail, or write an accepted synonym for Mail (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of the person you want to mail the item to. Newton will look in the Names File for the person you list. Tap Do.
3) If the Names card for that person includes a electronic mail address, it will fill in that blank on the confirmation slip. If not, fill it in yourself.
4) Fill in the subject blank.
5) Tap the diamond next to format and choose a style.
6) Tap Preview to view the message as it will be sent.
7) Tap Mail to mail the message now.
8) Tap Mail Later to mail the message later. The item will wait in the Out Box in the Extras drawer until you tap it later to send it.
Using the Assistant With the To Do List
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Remember, or write and accepted synonym for Remember (as listed above) in the blank. Write what you want to remember to do. Tap Do.
3) Scrub out the date and time on the confirmation slip, and write in the date on which you want the reminder to appear.
4) Tap Do.
Using the Assistant to Print
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then Tap Print. Tap Do.
3) Tap Printer to select a printer.
4) Tap Format to choose a style.
5) Tap Preview to view how the item will be printed.
6) Tap Print.
7) If your Newton is hooked to a printer, the item will be printed. If not, It will be put into the out box. When your Newton is hooked up to a Printer, go to the out box and print the item from there by tapping it.
Using the Assistant to Schedule an Appointment
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Schedule, or write an accepted synonym for Schedule (as listed above) in the blank. Be as specific with the synonym for Schedule as you can; for instance, if you want to schedule a lunch date, write lunch. You may write who you want to schedule the appointment with in the blank, or the date of the appointment.
Note: The more you write in the blank, the more fully Newton can complete the confirmation slip.
3) Scrub out the date on the when line of the confirmation slip and enter the correct date and time. Tap the diamond to see how Newton interpreted what you wrote. You may need to double tap the when line to use a keyboard to write the date and time.
4) You may fill in any or all of the other blanks for the location and subject of the appointment or with whom you are having the meeting.
5) Tap Schedule.
Using the Assistant to Determine the Time or Time Zone
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Time, or write an accepted synonym for Time (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of the city you want to know about. Tap Do.
3) Newton will open the time zone map and show you the date and time in the city you've chosen. If the city you write in the blank is not in Newton's list, Newton will tell you it is unable to decipher your request.
Note: There is no confirmation slip for time requests.
Request Word Action
------------ ------
call, ring, dial --------- Dial a phone number
fax, fax it ------------ Send the item on your screen as a fax (requires a Newton fax modem)
find, find it, look for ----- Search for text search for, locate, locate it
mail, link, e-mail, ------ Send the item on your screen as send this electronic mail
mail this
print, print it ---------- Print the item on your screen (requires a printer)
remember, remind, ----- Add a reminder to your to do list to do, don't forget to, don't let me forget, don't let me forget to do
remind me,
schedule, meet, meet me, -- Add an appointment to your calendar
see, talk to,
- breakfast (implies 7 a.m.),
- lunch (implies noon),
- dinner (implies 7 p.m.),
- holiday (implies day note instead of appointment),
- birthday, bday, b-day, anniversary (all imply a day note that repeats every year)
time, time in, the time in, -- Look up the time in another city
what time is it, what time is it in,
what time, what is the time,
what is the time in
NOTE: You will often ask Newton to do something involving another person. For instance, you may write "lunch with Eric Tuesday." Newton will scan your Names File for Eric, and schedule lunch with him on the following Tuesday. The more complete your Names File, the more helpful the Assistant will be.
Requests in the Assist Drawer
1) Tap the Assist button on the bottom-right of your screen.
2) Tap Please, and choose the appropriate request word. After the request word, write as much information as you can -- such as where, when and with whom -- to direct Newton's action.
3) Tap the Do button.
4) In the confirmation slip that pops up, make any additions or adjustments to the information displayed.
5) Tap the confirmation button at the bottom of the window to tell Newton to follow through on your request (schedule, print, fax, mail, etc.).
Requests Outside the Assist Drawer
1) Write at least one word of your request, beginning with the request word.
2) Select your request, using the select motion.
3) Tap Assist. If Newton is able to decipher your entry, confirmation slip will pop up.
4) Make any additions or adjustments to the confirmation slip.
5) Tap the confirmation button.
Confirmation Slips
Each request, except for Time, has a confirmation slip. Here are some tips on using them:
- Tap the diamonds for suggestions for filling in blanks.
- Fill out all required information, then tap the confirmation button.
NOTE: The more information you offer Newton in the Assist drawer, the more complete the call confirmation slip will be.
Using the Assistant to Dial the Phone
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Call, or write an accepted synonym for Call (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of who you want to call, and the person's number. Tap Do.
3) If you cannot remember the person's number, Newton will fill in the first number listed under that name in its file. If there is more than one number for that person, choose the number you want Newton to dial by tapping the diamond by the word phone. (Hint: If you include the word "home," "work," or "beeper," Newton will look up the proper number. For instance, if you write "call Elaine's beeper" or "call Elaine home," Newton will fill in the proper number in the blank.)
4) Tap Speaker to have Newton dial through its speaker or tap Modem to have Newton dial through the modem.
5) Tap Options to set the calling options, such as your access code for your electronic mail server or a credit card number to charge long-distances costs to.
6) Tap Call.
7) If you tapped Speaker in step 3, hold your Newton to the speaker of the phone. If the call does not go through, try turning the sound volume up under Preferences in the Extras drawer.
Using the Assistant to Fax
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Fax, or write an accepted synonym for Fax (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of the person to whom you want to fax. Newton will look in the Names File for the person you list. Tap Do.
3) If the names card for that person has a fax number, Newton will fill in that blank on the confirmation slip. If not, fill it in yourself.
4) Select the box next to cover page if you want one. Tap Notes to write comments on the cover sheet.
5) Tap Options to enter a credit card number to charge any long-distance costs.
6) Tap Preview to view the fax as it will be sent. Tap Fax if everything is correct.
Using the Assistant to Mail
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Mail, or write an accepted synonym for Mail (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of the person you want to mail the item to. Newton will look in the Names File for the person you list. Tap Do.
3) If the Names card for that person includes a electronic mail address, it will fill in that blank on the confirmation slip. If not, fill it in yourself.
4) Fill in the subject blank.
5) Tap the diamond next to format and choose a style.
6) Tap Preview to view the message as it will be sent.
7) Tap Mail to mail the message now.
8) Tap Mail Later to mail the message later. The item will wait in the Out Box in the Extras drawer until you tap it later to send it.
Using the Assistant With the To Do List
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Remember, or write and accepted synonym for Remember (as listed above) in the blank. Write what you want to remember to do. Tap Do.
3) Scrub out the date and time on the confirmation slip, and write in the date on which you want the reminder to appear.
4) Tap Do.
Using the Assistant to Print
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then Tap Print. Tap Do.
3) Tap Printer to select a printer.
4) Tap Format to choose a style.
5) Tap Preview to view how the item will be printed.
6) Tap Print.
7) If your Newton is hooked to a printer, the item will be printed. If not, It will be put into the out box. When your Newton is hooked up to a Printer, go to the out box and print the item from there by tapping it.
Using the Assistant to Schedule an Appointment
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Schedule, or write an accepted synonym for Schedule (as listed above) in the blank. Be as specific with the synonym for Schedule as you can; for instance, if you want to schedule a lunch date, write lunch. You may write who you want to schedule the appointment with in the blank, or the date of the appointment.
Note: The more you write in the blank, the more fully Newton can complete the confirmation slip.
3) Scrub out the date on the when line of the confirmation slip and enter the correct date and time. Tap the diamond to see how Newton interpreted what you wrote. You may need to double tap the when line to use a keyboard to write the date and time.
4) You may fill in any or all of the other blanks for the location and subject of the appointment or with whom you are having the meeting.
5) Tap Schedule.
Using the Assistant to Determine the Time or Time Zone
1) Tap Assist.
2) Tap Please, then tap Time, or write an accepted synonym for Time (as listed above) in the blank. Write the name of the city you want to know about. Tap Do.
3) Newton will open the time zone map and show you the date and time in the city you've chosen. If the city you write in the blank is not in Newton's list, Newton will tell you it is unable to decipher your request.
Note: There is no confirmation slip for time requests.