Duo Dock/Duo Dock II: External Pinouts
This article gives the pin assignments and functions for the connectors on the Duo Dock and Duo Dock II.
Main Expansion Connector (Processor-Direct Slot)
A 152-pin main expansion connector, JAE part number JX20-152BA-D1LTH, provides the interface between the PowerBook Duo computer, and the Duo Dock. It mounts directly to the Duo Dock's main logic board, and plugs into the matching connector on the PowerBook Duo rear panel, giving the Duo Dock direct access to the microprocessor's 32-bit address bus, 32-bit data bus, and control signals. It also provides access to power, control, and status signals in other parts of the computer, and allows the Duo Dock to provide power to the PowerBook Duo.
The table below lists the subset of signals used for the Duo Dock interface. A slash before a signal name (/AS) indicates an active-low signal.
Pin number Signal name Description
1, 2, 77, 78, 79 PR +24V EXT Raw +24 V from AC adapter
3 /PLUG IN Power surge control (grounded in the
expansion device)
4, 19, 20, GND Logic ground
30, 38, 39,
51, 61, 65,
66, 80, 81,
115, 141, 142
7 /ON/OFF OUT On/off button
9 /STERM Synchronous termination
10 /DS Data strobe
11 /AS Address strobe
12, 29, 42, +5V MAIN OUT +5 V regulated power
13 /HALT Halt
14 /BERR Bus error
15 /BGACK Bus grant acknowledge
21 ADDR[0] Address bit 0
22 ADDR[2] Address bit 2
23 ADDR[4] Address bit 4
24 ADDR[6] Address bit 6
25 ADDR[8] Address bit 8
26 ADDR[10] Address bit 10
27 ADDR[12] Address bit 12
28 ADDR[14] Address bit 14
31 ADDR[18] Address bit 18
32 ADDR[20] Address bit 20
33 ADDR[22] Address bit 22
34 ADDR[24] Address bit 24
35 ADDR[26] Address bit 26
36 ADDR[28] Address bit 28
37 ADDR[30] Address bit 30
40 IOCLK 15.6672 MHz I/O clock
41 SIZ[1] Transfer size bit 1
43 DATA[0] Data bit 0
44 DATA[1] Data bit 1
45 DATA[2] Data bit 2
46 DATA[3] Data bit 3
47 DATA[4] Data bit 4
48 DATA[5] Data bit 5
49 DATA[6] Data bit 6
50 DATA[7] Data bit 7
52 DATA[17] Data bit 17
53 DATA[18] Data bit 18
54 DATA[19] Data bit 19
56 DATA[20] Data bit 20
57 DATA[21] Data bit 21
58 DATA[22] Data bit 22
59 DATA[23] Data bit 23
62 /SCC IRQ SCC interrupt request
63 SERVEE -5 V for SCC transceivers
67 +8V SOUND Special "clean" +8 V power for sound
68 +5V MODEM +5 V power for modem
69 LINET/R Modem DAA line talk/receive
70 +5V SOUND +5 V power for sound output
72 SND OUT L Sound output left channel
73 EXT MIC FILT R Right input signal from external
74 EXT MIC FILT L Left input signal from external
75, 76, DAA GND Modem ground
151, 152
83 ADB DATA Apple Desktop Bus data
84 /ADBPWRON ADB power-on key
86 /CBREQ Cache burst request
87 /DSACK1 Data size acknowledge bit 1
88 /DSACK0 Data size acknowledge bit 0
89 /BR Bus request
90 /BG Bus grant
91 /SLEEP Sleep-state signal
92 FC[1] Function code bit 1
93 FC[0] Function code bit 0
94 /RMC Read-modify-write cycle
95 CPUCLK CPU bus clock
96 /CPURESET CPU reset (bus invalid)
97 ADDR[1] Address bit 1
98 ADDR[3] Address bit 3
99 ADDR[5] Address bit 5
100 ADDR[7] Address bit 7
101 ADDR[9] Address bit 9
102 ADDR[11] Address bit 11
103 ADDR[13] Address bit 13
104 ADDR[15] Address bit 15
105 ADDR[16] Address bit 16
106 ADDR[17] Address bit 17
107 ADDR[19] Address bit 19
108 ADDR[21] Address bit 21
109 ADDR[23] Address bit 23
110 ADDR[25] Address bit 25
111 ADDR[27] Address bit 27
112 ADDR[29] Address bit 29
113 ADDR[31] Address bit 31
114 /SLOT IN Expansion device plugged in grounds
116 RD Read/Write
117 SIZ[0] Transfer size bit 0
118 DATA[8] Data bit 8
119 DATA[9] Data bit 9
120 DATA[10] Data bit 10
121 DATA[11] Data bit 11
122 +5VEXTSENSE +5 V external sense
123 DATA[12] Data bit 12
124 DATA[13] Data bit 13
125 DATA[14] Data bit 14
126 DATA[15] Data bit 15
127 DATA[16] Data bit 16
128 DATA[24] Data bit 24
129 DATA[25] Data bit 25
130 DATA[26] Data bit 26
131 DATA[27] Data bit 27
132 DATA[28] Data bit 28
133 DATA[29] Data bit 29
134 DATA[30] Data bit 30
135 DATA[31] Data bit 31
137 /SWIM CS SWIM chip select
138 /SLOT E IRQ Pseudo-NuBus expansion slot E
139 /PFW Power fail warning (shutdown bit)
140 /IO RESET Reset output to I/O systems
143 DAA CNTLF Modem DAA control
144 DAA ID IN ID input from 152-pin connector to
modem card
145 /RING DET Ring detect signal from the modem DAA
146 /RB DVR Modem relay B driver
147 /RA DVR Modem relay A driver
148 EXT MIC SEL External microphone plugged in
Video Port
The video connection is made through a standard DB-15 connector.
Pin number Signal name Description
1 RED GND Red ground
2 RED VID Red video signal
3 /CSYNC Composite sync
4 SENSE0 Monitor sense bit 0
5 GRN VID Green video signal
6 GRN GND Green ground
7 SENSE1 Monitor sense bit 1
8 mc No connection
9 BLU VID Blue video signal
10 SENSE2 Monitor sense bit 2
11 C&VSYNC GND Ground for CSYNC and VSYNC
12 /VSYNC Vertical sync
13 BLU GND Blue ground
15 HSYNC Horizontal sync
HDI-30 SCSI Connector
Pin number Signal name Description
1 nc Reserved for SCSI disk mode.
2 /DB0 Bit 0 of SCSI data bus
3, 8, 10, 12, GND Ground
13, 15, 17,
20, 22, 24
4 /DB1 Bit 1 of SCSI data bus
5 TPWR Termination power
6 /DB2 Bit 2 of SCSI data bus
7 /DB3 Bit 3 of SCSI data bus
9 /ACKS Handshake signal. When low
acknowledges a request for data
11 /DB4 Bit 4 of SCSI data bus
14 /DB5 Bit 5 of SCSI data bus
16 /DB6 Bit 6 of SCSI data bus
18 /DB7 Bit 7 of SCSI data bus
19 /DBP SCSI data bus parity bit
21 /REQ Request for a data transfer
23 /BSY When active (low) indicates that
the SCSI data bus is busy
25 /ATN When active (low) indicates an
attention condition
26 /C/D When active (low) indicates that
data is on the SCSI bus. When
high, indicates that control
signals are on the bus
27 /RST SCSI bus reset
28 /MSG Indicates the message phase
29 /SEL SCSI select
30 /I/O Controls the direction of data
output. When high, data is input
Modem and Printer Ports
Pin number Signal name Description
1 HSKo Handshake output. Connected to the
Request to Send (RTS) pin on the
Combo chip. Tristated when the
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal
is inactive.
2 HSKi Handshake input. Connected to the
Transmit Receive Clock(TRXC) pin
on the Combo chip.
3 /TXD Transmit data (inverted).
Connected to the Transmit Data
(TXD) pin on the Combo chip.
Tristated when DTR is inactive.
4 SG Signal ground. Connected to logic
and chassis ground.
5 /RXD Receive data (inverted). Connected
to the Receive Data (RXD) pin on
the Combo chip.
6 TXD Transmit data. Connected to the
Transmit Data (TXD) pin on the
Combo chip. Tristated when DTR is
7 GPi General purpose input. Connected
to the Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
pin on the Combo chip.
8 RXD+ Receive data. Connected to the
Receive Data (RXD) pin on the
Combo chip.
10, 11, 12 GND These pins are connected to
chassis ground.
Apple Desktop Bus Interface
Pin number Signal name Description
1 ADB Bidirectional data bus for input and
2 POWER ON Key on ADB keyboard (if connected)
grounds this pin to pin 4, enabling power
to be turned on from the keyboard
3 +5V +5 V power
4 GND Logic ground
5, 6, 7 GND Chassis ground
Sound Ports
Two monaural mini phone jacks provide connections for sound input and output.
Modem Adapter Card (optional)
When the PowerBook Duo computer is housed in the Duo Dock, you cannot access the integral modem via the RJ-11 connector on the PowerBook Duo's rear panel. A modem adapter card provides the connection. It plugs into the side of the Duo Dock's main logic board, using a 10-pin header connector. The card supplies the RJ-11 hook up, which is accessed on the rear panel of the Duo Dock. The adapter card interfaces with the modem card in the PowerBook Duo computer via its 10-pin connector, printed circuit traces, and the 152-pin expansion connector. The table below lists the signal assignments for the connector.
Modem Adapter Connector Signal Assignments
Pin number Signal name Description
1 LINET/R Line/talk receive
2, 3, 4 DAA GND Modem DAA ground
5 /RA DVR Modem relay A driver
6 DAA ID IN ID input
7 /RING3 DET Ring detect signal
8 /RBDVR Modem relay B driver
9 DAA CNTL Modem DAA control
10 +5 V MODEM +5 V power
Built-In Ethernet Connector (Duo Dock II only)
Pin Signal name Description
1 FN Pwr Power (+12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W)
2 DI-A Data In circuit A
3 DI-B Data In circuit B
4 VCC Voltage Common
5 CI-A Control In circuit A
6 CI-B Control In circuit B
7 +5V +5 volts (from host)
8 +5V Secondary +5 volts (from host)
9 DO-A Data Out circuit A
10 DO-B Data Out circuit B
11 VCC Secondary Voltage Common
12 NC Reserved
13 NC Reserved
14 FN Pwr Secondary +12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W
Shell Protective Gnd Protective Ground
AAUI signals have the same description, function, and electrical requirements as the AUI signals of the same name, as detailed in IEEE Standard 802.3-1990 CSMA/CD, section 7.
A 152-pin main expansion connector, JAE part number JX20-152BA-D1LTH, provides the interface between the PowerBook Duo computer, and the Duo Dock. It mounts directly to the Duo Dock's main logic board, and plugs into the matching connector on the PowerBook Duo rear panel, giving the Duo Dock direct access to the microprocessor's 32-bit address bus, 32-bit data bus, and control signals. It also provides access to power, control, and status signals in other parts of the computer, and allows the Duo Dock to provide power to the PowerBook Duo.
The table below lists the subset of signals used for the Duo Dock interface. A slash before a signal name (/AS) indicates an active-low signal.
Pin number Signal name Description
1, 2, 77, 78, 79 PR +24V EXT Raw +24 V from AC adapter
3 /PLUG IN Power surge control (grounded in the
expansion device)
4, 19, 20, GND Logic ground
30, 38, 39,
51, 61, 65,
66, 80, 81,
115, 141, 142
7 /ON/OFF OUT On/off button
9 /STERM Synchronous termination
10 /DS Data strobe
11 /AS Address strobe
12, 29, 42, +5V MAIN OUT +5 V regulated power
13 /HALT Halt
14 /BERR Bus error
15 /BGACK Bus grant acknowledge
21 ADDR[0] Address bit 0
22 ADDR[2] Address bit 2
23 ADDR[4] Address bit 4
24 ADDR[6] Address bit 6
25 ADDR[8] Address bit 8
26 ADDR[10] Address bit 10
27 ADDR[12] Address bit 12
28 ADDR[14] Address bit 14
31 ADDR[18] Address bit 18
32 ADDR[20] Address bit 20
33 ADDR[22] Address bit 22
34 ADDR[24] Address bit 24
35 ADDR[26] Address bit 26
36 ADDR[28] Address bit 28
37 ADDR[30] Address bit 30
40 IOCLK 15.6672 MHz I/O clock
41 SIZ[1] Transfer size bit 1
43 DATA[0] Data bit 0
44 DATA[1] Data bit 1
45 DATA[2] Data bit 2
46 DATA[3] Data bit 3
47 DATA[4] Data bit 4
48 DATA[5] Data bit 5
49 DATA[6] Data bit 6
50 DATA[7] Data bit 7
52 DATA[17] Data bit 17
53 DATA[18] Data bit 18
54 DATA[19] Data bit 19
56 DATA[20] Data bit 20
57 DATA[21] Data bit 21
58 DATA[22] Data bit 22
59 DATA[23] Data bit 23
62 /SCC IRQ SCC interrupt request
63 SERVEE -5 V for SCC transceivers
67 +8V SOUND Special "clean" +8 V power for sound
68 +5V MODEM +5 V power for modem
69 LINET/R Modem DAA line talk/receive
70 +5V SOUND +5 V power for sound output
72 SND OUT L Sound output left channel
73 EXT MIC FILT R Right input signal from external
74 EXT MIC FILT L Left input signal from external
75, 76, DAA GND Modem ground
151, 152
83 ADB DATA Apple Desktop Bus data
84 /ADBPWRON ADB power-on key
86 /CBREQ Cache burst request
87 /DSACK1 Data size acknowledge bit 1
88 /DSACK0 Data size acknowledge bit 0
89 /BR Bus request
90 /BG Bus grant
91 /SLEEP Sleep-state signal
92 FC[1] Function code bit 1
93 FC[0] Function code bit 0
94 /RMC Read-modify-write cycle
95 CPUCLK CPU bus clock
96 /CPURESET CPU reset (bus invalid)
97 ADDR[1] Address bit 1
98 ADDR[3] Address bit 3
99 ADDR[5] Address bit 5
100 ADDR[7] Address bit 7
101 ADDR[9] Address bit 9
102 ADDR[11] Address bit 11
103 ADDR[13] Address bit 13
104 ADDR[15] Address bit 15
105 ADDR[16] Address bit 16
106 ADDR[17] Address bit 17
107 ADDR[19] Address bit 19
108 ADDR[21] Address bit 21
109 ADDR[23] Address bit 23
110 ADDR[25] Address bit 25
111 ADDR[27] Address bit 27
112 ADDR[29] Address bit 29
113 ADDR[31] Address bit 31
114 /SLOT IN Expansion device plugged in grounds
116 RD Read/Write
117 SIZ[0] Transfer size bit 0
118 DATA[8] Data bit 8
119 DATA[9] Data bit 9
120 DATA[10] Data bit 10
121 DATA[11] Data bit 11
122 +5VEXTSENSE +5 V external sense
123 DATA[12] Data bit 12
124 DATA[13] Data bit 13
125 DATA[14] Data bit 14
126 DATA[15] Data bit 15
127 DATA[16] Data bit 16
128 DATA[24] Data bit 24
129 DATA[25] Data bit 25
130 DATA[26] Data bit 26
131 DATA[27] Data bit 27
132 DATA[28] Data bit 28
133 DATA[29] Data bit 29
134 DATA[30] Data bit 30
135 DATA[31] Data bit 31
137 /SWIM CS SWIM chip select
138 /SLOT E IRQ Pseudo-NuBus expansion slot E
139 /PFW Power fail warning (shutdown bit)
140 /IO RESET Reset output to I/O systems
143 DAA CNTLF Modem DAA control
144 DAA ID IN ID input from 152-pin connector to
modem card
145 /RING DET Ring detect signal from the modem DAA
146 /RB DVR Modem relay B driver
147 /RA DVR Modem relay A driver
148 EXT MIC SEL External microphone plugged in
Video Port
The video connection is made through a standard DB-15 connector.
Pin number Signal name Description
1 RED GND Red ground
2 RED VID Red video signal
3 /CSYNC Composite sync
4 SENSE0 Monitor sense bit 0
5 GRN VID Green video signal
6 GRN GND Green ground
7 SENSE1 Monitor sense bit 1
8 mc No connection
9 BLU VID Blue video signal
10 SENSE2 Monitor sense bit 2
11 C&VSYNC GND Ground for CSYNC and VSYNC
12 /VSYNC Vertical sync
13 BLU GND Blue ground
15 HSYNC Horizontal sync
HDI-30 SCSI Connector
Pin number Signal name Description
1 nc Reserved for SCSI disk mode.
2 /DB0 Bit 0 of SCSI data bus
3, 8, 10, 12, GND Ground
13, 15, 17,
20, 22, 24
4 /DB1 Bit 1 of SCSI data bus
5 TPWR Termination power
6 /DB2 Bit 2 of SCSI data bus
7 /DB3 Bit 3 of SCSI data bus
9 /ACKS Handshake signal. When low
acknowledges a request for data
11 /DB4 Bit 4 of SCSI data bus
14 /DB5 Bit 5 of SCSI data bus
16 /DB6 Bit 6 of SCSI data bus
18 /DB7 Bit 7 of SCSI data bus
19 /DBP SCSI data bus parity bit
21 /REQ Request for a data transfer
23 /BSY When active (low) indicates that
the SCSI data bus is busy
25 /ATN When active (low) indicates an
attention condition
26 /C/D When active (low) indicates that
data is on the SCSI bus. When
high, indicates that control
signals are on the bus
27 /RST SCSI bus reset
28 /MSG Indicates the message phase
29 /SEL SCSI select
30 /I/O Controls the direction of data
output. When high, data is input
Modem and Printer Ports
Pin number Signal name Description
1 HSKo Handshake output. Connected to the
Request to Send (RTS) pin on the
Combo chip. Tristated when the
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal
is inactive.
2 HSKi Handshake input. Connected to the
Transmit Receive Clock(TRXC) pin
on the Combo chip.
3 /TXD Transmit data (inverted).
Connected to the Transmit Data
(TXD) pin on the Combo chip.
Tristated when DTR is inactive.
4 SG Signal ground. Connected to logic
and chassis ground.
5 /RXD Receive data (inverted). Connected
to the Receive Data (RXD) pin on
the Combo chip.
6 TXD Transmit data. Connected to the
Transmit Data (TXD) pin on the
Combo chip. Tristated when DTR is
7 GPi General purpose input. Connected
to the Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
pin on the Combo chip.
8 RXD+ Receive data. Connected to the
Receive Data (RXD) pin on the
Combo chip.
10, 11, 12 GND These pins are connected to
chassis ground.
Apple Desktop Bus Interface
Pin number Signal name Description
1 ADB Bidirectional data bus for input and
2 POWER ON Key on ADB keyboard (if connected)
grounds this pin to pin 4, enabling power
to be turned on from the keyboard
3 +5V +5 V power
4 GND Logic ground
5, 6, 7 GND Chassis ground
Sound Ports
Two monaural mini phone jacks provide connections for sound input and output.
Modem Adapter Card (optional)
When the PowerBook Duo computer is housed in the Duo Dock, you cannot access the integral modem via the RJ-11 connector on the PowerBook Duo's rear panel. A modem adapter card provides the connection. It plugs into the side of the Duo Dock's main logic board, using a 10-pin header connector. The card supplies the RJ-11 hook up, which is accessed on the rear panel of the Duo Dock. The adapter card interfaces with the modem card in the PowerBook Duo computer via its 10-pin connector, printed circuit traces, and the 152-pin expansion connector. The table below lists the signal assignments for the connector.
Modem Adapter Connector Signal Assignments
Pin number Signal name Description
1 LINET/R Line/talk receive
2, 3, 4 DAA GND Modem DAA ground
5 /RA DVR Modem relay A driver
6 DAA ID IN ID input
7 /RING3 DET Ring detect signal
8 /RBDVR Modem relay B driver
9 DAA CNTL Modem DAA control
10 +5 V MODEM +5 V power
Built-In Ethernet Connector (Duo Dock II only)
Pin Signal name Description
1 FN Pwr Power (+12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W)
2 DI-A Data In circuit A
3 DI-B Data In circuit B
4 VCC Voltage Common
5 CI-A Control In circuit A
6 CI-B Control In circuit B
7 +5V +5 volts (from host)
8 +5V Secondary +5 volts (from host)
9 DO-A Data Out circuit A
10 DO-B Data Out circuit B
11 VCC Secondary Voltage Common
12 NC Reserved
13 NC Reserved
14 FN Pwr Secondary +12V @ 2.1W or +5V @ 1.9W
Shell Protective Gnd Protective Ground
AAUI signals have the same description, function, and electrical requirements as the AUI signals of the same name, as detailed in IEEE Standard 802.3-1990 CSMA/CD, section 7.