MacCheck: Hardware Profiler Report (8/93)

Article Created: 20 August 1993

This article details what information the MacCheck's hardware profiler collects
and reports.

Macintosh Hardware Attributes:
* Macintosh model and machine ID.
* Processor (CPU) and clock speed (in MHz)
* Co-processor (FPU)
* Memory manager (MMU)
* Physical memory size in MB
* Logical memory size in MB
* Battery status (Portables and PowerBooks only)
* Hardware attributes
* Keyboard type
* ROM size in K
* ROM version
* ROM sub-version (Macintosh IIci and above)
* ROM checksum
* Docking information for PowerBook Duo

NuBus cards:
* Slot number in hexadecimal
* Card name
* Board ID
* Board version

LC-compatible PDS slot (Reported under NuBus slot $E):
* Card name
* Board ID

SCSI devices:
* SCSI ID (0 to 6)
* Device type (hard drive, CD-ROM drive, tape, printer, etc.)
* Device name (if a mounted block-device)
* Device size (if known)
* Vendor ID (if applicable)
* Product ID (if applicable)
* Revision (if applicable)
* Device serial number (if applicable)

Floppy Drives:
* Drive ID (1 internal, 2 second or external, 3 if applicable)
* Drive type (800K, Apple SuperDrive, HD20, etc.)

External Monitors:
* Screen size (pixels)
* Grays/colors (same as in the monitors CDEV)
* Horizontal and vertical resolution
* Location of monitor (built-in, attached to built-in video, or attached to a
video card in a NuBus slot); if monitor is the main screen.

Global Village Modems:
* Global Village modem is found (attached to modem port)
* Modem is found, but not recognized as a Global Village modem
* No modem is found

(Note: the search for a Global Village modem is primarily for Performa systems
that are bundled with Global Village modem and a Club Performa America OnLine

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012