Apple Personal Modem: The commands and what they do

The Apple Personal Modem uses the Hayes instruction set--that is, the modem
has a microprocessor inside it that controls all the functions of the unit.
Any of the operating parameters, such as full/half duplex or number of rings
before answer, can be set by a short command sequence; you can use similar
command sequences for resetting and dialing. The modem also allows you to
define certain text controls, such as line feed, carriage return, and escape
characters, a very useful feature for defining specific terminal emulation for
file transfer.

Command Instruction

AT The command prefix
A Answer command
A/ Again (repeat last) command
B Balance (Transmit Carrier Level) command
C Transmitter Carrier On / Off command
, Pause (Value in S8 Register) command
D Dial command
E Local Echo (In Command Mode) command
F Full Duplex (Local Echo in Data Mode) command
H On-Hook (Terminate Call / Hang Up) command
I Inquiry (Troubleshooting) command
M Monitor Speaker command
O On-Line (Used with +++ command)
P Pulse Dialing Mode command
+++ Escape command
Q Quiet (Response Codes) command
R Reverse Mode (Originate to Answer Only) command
S Set Register command (see following table)
; Return to Command Mode
T Touch-Tone Dialing Mode command
V Verbalize (Verbal or Terse) Responses command
X Extend Result Codes Set command
Z Zap (Reset) command

Registers: Default

S0 Auto-Answer
S1 Ring Counter
S2 Escape Character
S3 Carriage Return Character
S4 Line Feed Character
S5 Backspace Character
S6 Initial Wait
S7 Carrier Wait 30 seconds (range 1-255 seconds)
S8 Define Pause
S9 Carrier Detect Response Time 0.6 seconds (non-adjustable)
S10 Disconnect Timing
S11 Touch Tone Speed
S12 Escape Code Guard Time
S16 Self-Test Mode;
Analog Loopback Test

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012