The Performa and Performa Plus Displays are standard Macintosh monitors with a
resolution of 640 by 480 pixels. In order to work with either of the Performa
displays, a Macintosh must either:
1) Have built in video which supports 640 by 480 monitors - or -
2) Have a video card which supports 640 by 480 monitors.
As of August 1993, the following Macintosh models with built in video will
work with the Performa and Performa Plus displays:
Macintosh LC, LC II, LC III, LC 475, LC 550
Macintosh IIsi
Macintosh IIci
Macintosh IIvx, IIvi
Macintosh Centris 610, Centris 650, Centris 660AV
Macintosh Quadra 605, Quadra 610, Quadra 660AV, Quadra 700, Quadra 800,
Quadra 660AV, Quadra 840AV, Quadra 900, Quadra 950
The following Apple video cards support 640 by 480 monitors:
Macintosh II High-Resolution Video Card
Macintosh 4*8 Display Card
Macintosh 8*24 Display Card
Macintosh 8*24GC Display Card
Article Change History:
14 December 1993 - Added Macintosh models introduced since last update.
10 September 1993 - Revised article, adding info that Performa displays are
standard 640 by 480 Macintosh monitors and any
Macintosh with built-in video or any Apple video card which
supports 640 by 480 will drive either Performa display.