Finder and Desktop Manager: How They Work Together (8/93)

Article Created: 31 August 1993

I have two questions about how the Desktop Manager and Finder work

1) When does the Finder update the Desktop Manager Files?

2) If there are multiple applications with the same creator, how does
the Finder decide which one to use?

1) The Finder makes Desktop Manager calls when it needs to:

* Add icons to the Desktop database
* Add application information to the Desktop database
* Add "Get Info" comments for a file to the Desktop database
* Remove application information from the Desktop database
* Remove "Get Info" comments for a file from the Desktop database
* Get an icon or icon information from the Desktop database
* Find an application
* Get the "Get Info" comments for a file
* Rebuild the Desktop database

For more detailed information, please read pages 9-44 to 9-66 of
Inside Macintosh Volume VI.

2) The Finder, using the call PBDTGetAPPL, will find and use the
application with the most recent creation date. If two or more
applications have the╩same creation date, the most recently added
application in the Desktop database will be used.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012