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Technical notes are a 'living' complement to product documentation, be it Inside Macintosh or other documentation. This means that they are updated on a regular basis, so as to be accurate and up to date. New Notes are added as required.
This technical note is an index of all technical notes related to the Apple Workgroup Servers and related products. It also documents all changes to the technical notes since the previous release.
Note: we are also including for your convenience the technical documentation from the third party vendors of the Apple Workgroup Server products Oracle 7 and Retrospect. These documents were not written by Apple or tested for accuracy, but are included because we feel you might find them useful.
Technical Note Subject Last Revision
-------------- ------------------------------------------ -------------
AWS00: About AWS Tech Notes Dec, 1993
AWS01: Correct Platform Choice for 4D Servers Dec, 1993
AWS02: SCSI Termination on AWS 95 Dec, 1993
AWS03: (Obsolete. See note A below)
AWS04: (Obsolete. See note A below)
AWS05: (Obsolete. See note A below)
AWS06: (Obsolete. See note A below)
AWS07: (Obsolete. See note A below)
AWS08: AWS95 kconfig modifications May, 1994
AWS09: AWS95 buffer cache Q&A May, 1994
AWS10: Apple Workgroup Server Q&A Sep, 1994
AWS11: Inode configuration and overhead on AWS95 Aug, 1993
AWS12: Retrospect on AWS Q&A Sep, 1993
AWS13: (Obsolete. See note A below)
AWS14: Tune-Up install and AppleShare Pro May, 1994
AWS15: Proper reconfig. of bent for ATalk support Dec, 1993
AWS16: FileAccess Control on the AWS 95 Dec, 1993
AWS17: .fs_cache item limits May, 1994
AWS18: (Obsolete: See note B below)
AWS19: Adding a UFS Drive Dec, 1993
AWS20: Multihoming and IP Forwarding May, 1994
AWS21: A/UX & Micropolis Drives May, 1994
AWS22: Retrospect Errors Mar, 1994
AWS23: SHMAT Limitations May, 1994
AWS24: Multiple Printers May, 1994
AWS25: Flushing the 68040 cache May, 1994
AWS26: Hybrid Applications and A/UX Sep, 1994
AWS27: Configuration changes in A/UX 3.1 May, 1994
AWS28: Disk Driver changes in A/UX 3.1 Sep, 1994
AWS29: Running AWS95 headless May, 1994
AWS30: /etc/fstab corruption Sep, 1994
A: These technical notes have been superceded by the document "Tuning
Server Performance and Adding Internal Hard Drives" available with
release 3.1 of A/UX for the Workgroup Server 95.
B: This note is obsolete with release 3.1 of A/UX
Changes since last release:
New Technical Notes: AWS26, AWS30
Modified Technical Notes: AWS10, AWS28
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