AppleShare Print Server: Prevent Error Page Printing

I'm using AppleShare File and Print Server 3.0.2 and I'm having the following problem with the print server. Every time a print job is canceled or an error occurs, a report is printed notifying me the job has been canceled or there has been an error. This is no problem on a printer with ordinary paper, but it is a problem on a printer with film because it wastes film.

Is it possible to change the print server in someway to disable this feature?
Here is how to prevent Error pages from printing on all printers captured by the AppleShare Print Server.

1) Using ResEdit open the AppleShare Print Server.
2) Open the "EXOP" resource.
3) Open the resource ID 128.
4) Change the first four zeros to ones.
5) Quit ResEdit and Save the changes.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012