Apple Font Pack: Making Clock Symbols with the Zeal Font (9/93)

Article Created: 21 September 1993

The "Getting Started with Type" booklet that ships with the Apple Font
Pack for Macintosh (M4040LL/A) contains incorrect information about
which key combinations result in some of the clock symbols available in
the Zeal font.

In particular, it says that six o'clock is made by pressing
command-shift g. However this combination results in an open book.

The correct key combination is option-` command-i.

An MS╩Word document describing the correct key combinations is included
on font pack's Install disk. The document is titled "Zeal Symbol Info
(MS╩WORD╩5.0)." You don't have to use MS╩Word to open the document.
Most word processors can open it through translation.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012