Prometheus 300C modem: Using it with all Apples

Modem type:
AT&T 103 series; 300 bps.

Instruction set used:
Fully HAYES compatible.

Hardware configuration:
Plug-in modem designed to attach to the raer of the Apple IIc. Powered by
the Apple IIc. Built-in speaker allows data and modem status monitoring.

Software configuration:
Microprocessor controlled intelligent modem with number storage, auto-dial
and auto-answer functions.

Interface type:
RJ-11 telephone interface.

Modem interface packages, by computer:

Apple IIe (Super Serial card):
Apple IIc only.

Apple IIc:
ProCom-A terminal interface software provided with modem--direct
attachment to rear of Apple IIc case.

Apple III:
Apple IIc only.

Apple IIc only.

Macintosh XL:
Apple IIc only.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012