PowerShare: Minimum Server Requirements (9/93)

Article Created: 28 September 1993

This article describes the minimum system requirements for a
PowerShare server.

You'll need the following hardware to set up a PowerShare Server

* At least one Macintosh computer (using a 68020 or later
processor) with a hard disk.

* A minimum of 4 megabytes of memory for each installed server.

* If both the PowerShare catalog server and the PowerShare mail server
are installed on the same computer you will require at least 8 MB.

* The PowerShare Server system requires system software version 7.1.1
or later.

If this version of system software is not already installed on the
Macintosh computers that will be running the server software, the
Installer will automatically update the system software during

The system can be administered from the same computer on which the
servers are installed or from any other computer on the network on
which the PowerTalk system software has been installed. The computer
serving as the administration station can be any Macintosh computer
with at least 5 megabytes of memory.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012