PowerShare Server: Authentication Services (9/93)

Article Created: 28 September 1993

This article describes the PowerShare Server's Authentication Services.

The authentication service allows collaborating users and applications to
interact over a network by positively verifying the identity of each
party. This verification protects against unauthorized access by parties
masquerading as legitimate users or services.

In providing the authentication service a PowerShare Catalog Server acts
as a trusted third party by maintaining an authentication key for each
user, application, or other entity that has a record in the catalog.
Collaborative services and applications will use the Catalog Server to
authenticate themselves in order to communicate with other users and
services. Once an authenticated session is established, transmissions
across the network are encrypted to prevent unauthorized tapping of the
network media.

PowerShare authentication and privacy services permit collaborative
applications to securely exchange and transmit sensitive information such
as financial records or personnel information.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012