AOCE: Direct AppleTalk Mail (10/93)

Article Created: 4 October 1993

This article describes Direct AppleTalk Mail on Apple Open Collaborative
Environment (AOCE).

AOCE software will ship with Direct AppleTalk mail, an example of a Catalog
Service Access Module.
?The AppleTalk catalog displays Macintosh computers which have an AOCE
Toolbox installed. A PowerTalk user would use this catalog to address
messages to a particular Macintosh computer, allowing users to exchange
messages in a server-less environment.

The entries in the AppleTalk catalog display the machine name of each
Macintosh computer, taken from the Sharing Setup control panel.

AppleShare Servers
The AppleTalk catalog also displays AppleShare servers on the network.
Users can select an AppleShare server from the AppleTalk Catalog and
place a key to that file server in the PowerTalk Key Chain.

╘his provides easy access to networking services without requiring the
user to remember separate user names and passwords for many different
servers. Access to servers is still protected by the PowerTalk Key Chain
access code.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012