PowerTalk itself can exchange messages using three different message
delivery methods.
Direct AppleTalk mail
PowerShare Server mail
Direct Dialup mail
Additional message delivery methods can be added using Mail Service Access
modules from third parties.
Direct AppleTalk Mail
Direct AppleTalk mail enables users to exchange letters across an AppleTalk
network without the use of a server. PowerShare is not required to take
advantage of Direct AppleTalk mail. Direct AppleTalk mail is part of the
PowerTalk package.
Within the AppleTalk Catalog, Macintosh computers with an AOCE toolbox
installed appear as Direct AppleTalk mail addresses in the Catalogs window.
A PowerTalk user could use this address to send messages to any Macintosh
that appears in the AppleTalk Catalog window.
PowerShare Mail Server based messaging
Apple will be marketing a PowerShare Mail Server for users who want the
advantages of a server-based mail system. With a PowerShare Mail Server,
users will be able to use Visitor Mailboxes to retrieve server-based mail
from remote locations. PowerShare also gives users additional privacy and
security features with over the wire encryption and authenticated
Direct Dialup Mail
Direct Dialup mail is the ability of two Macintosh computers to call each
other and exchange messages through a modem. This allows users who are
connected by telephone to exchange messages with other PowerTalk users.
Dialup and AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA)
ARA 2.0 and Direct Dialup mail use the same modem connection scripts and
low level drivers. They also are compatible with each other. If a call
comes in, ARA and PowerTalk will negotiate to determine whether the call
is for ARA or Direct Dialup mail. However, Direct Dialup mail is not the
same thing as ARA.
Direct Dialup mail is not a way to retrieve PowerTalk letters from a
remote location.
There is no way to use Direct Dialup mail or ARA to retrieve messages
stored in a local message queue. Examples include messages delivered to
a Direct AppleTalk mail address.
- IMPORTANT: Direct Dialup mail will not be a part of the initial release
of PowerTalk, Direct Dialup may be obtain separately. To get Direct
Dialup mail the request card which comes with System 7 Pro along with
the amount of money specified. Direct Dialup mail may be fully
incorporated into a later release of PowerTalk.
Server Based Dialup
PowerShare does not support server based dial up in the initial release.
Two PowerShare Mail Servers will not call each other to exchange
Article Change History:
30 Nov 1993 - Updated article for ARA 2.0 release.