Pre-Installation Checklist
Turn off extensions when you start up by holding the Shift key when
you start the Macintosh.
Turn off all security software and virus- protection software.
Back up the information on the hard disk.
Run Disk First Aid.
Update SCSI drivers if you're updating from System 6 to System 7 Pro.
Compatibility Checker
Run the Compatibility Checker before installing System 7 Pro. If the Compatibility Checker finds incompatible or unknown items in the System Folder of the startup disk, it presents a dialog box that allows you to move those items out of the System Folder. This dialog box lists the items not included in the compatibility database, as well as items that are incompatible.
The dialog box will come up with all items checked for moving. You can click the "Move" or "Don't Move" button. Or you can deselect the items you wish to remain before you click the "Move" button.
If you select "Move," the Compatibility Checker creates a new folder on the hard disk named, "May Not Work With System 7 Pro," and automatically moves the selected items to this folder. Be sure to follow the instructions in the compatibility report that it generates for you. You can save this report to disk as a text file.
Network Installer
The network install doesn't work the same as previous versions of system software:
The Installer and Installer Script remain inside the Install Me First
An alias of both items is outside the Install Me First folder.
800KInstallation Disks
If you wish to have 800K installation disks, there's a coupon in the box that you use to send for them.
Common Problems and Resolutions
If the Installer displays a message that your computer doesn't have enough memory, your Macintosh has less than 5MB of RAM. Contact your Apple-authorized dealer for information about how to purchase additional memory.
If the Installer displays the message that it's out of memory, usually it means that the disk cache is set too high. Open the Memory control panel and set your disk cache to the lowest possible setting.
If the Installer displays a message that there isn't enough disk space available, the hard disk has less than the minimum required to use the Installer. Remove some files from the disk to make more space available. Make backup copies of the files, if necessary, then drag them to the Trash. If you're installing from floppy disks, you can also try starting up with the Install disk. This requires less available hard disk space.
Article Change History:
29 Sep 1994 - Reviewed for concistency and update format.
12 Nov 1993 - Added Common Problems and Resolutions section.
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