The LaserWriter Pro 810 Internal PostScript Fax Modem gives you the ability to send and receive facsimiles (faxes) with fax machines and other printers equipped with PostScript fax cards. When the fax modem is installed (user installable), your printer is called a LaserWriter Pro 810f.
The LaserWriter Pro 810f:
* Sends documents to and from other Adobe PostScript printers, and to all CCITT (International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee) Group III fax devices from an Apple Macintosh or IBM PC or compatible computer
* Sends and receives faxes 9600 baud
* Receives and prints fax transmissions at 600 dots per inch (dpi) from other printers equipped with PostScript fax cards
* Receives and prints fax transmissions at 200 dpi - the Group III standard - from Group III - compatible fax machines
* Sends PostScript language files to other printers equipped with PostScript fax cards at the resolution of the receiving printer
* Broadcasts a fax to multiple destinations with one command
* Delays fax transmission up to 24 hours
* Enables all users on a network connected to the printer to send and receive faxes
System requirements
* An Apple Macintosh computer running system software version 6.0.7 or later
- or -
an IBM PC or compatible computer with at least 640 K or memory running DOS 3.1
- or -
an IBM PC or compatible computer with at least 1 MB of memory (2 MB recommended) running Microsoft Windows 3.0
* A LaserWriter Pro 810 printer
* A phone receptacle that accepts an ordinary RJ-11 or CA-11 telephone cable
NOTE: The fax modem will not work if you connect it to a digital phone line, which is intended to carry computer data exclusively, and it may not work if connected to a digital private exchange (PBX) system.
Ordering Information
* Internal Adobe PostScript Fax Modem (Part Number M1772LL/A)