At Ease: Stuffit Deluxe 3.0.7 Corrects Incompatibility

There are a couple of incompatibilities between At Ease for Workgroups 2.0 and Aladdin's StuffIt Deluxe 3.0 with SpaceSaver(SpaceSaver is compression software that stores unused applications and documents in a compressed state. But when the application or document icon is double-clicked, it launches as if it weren't compressed):

* With SpaceSaver software installed, At Ease can't see any applications at all (probably because they are compressed). The Finder can launch these compressed applications without any trouble.

* Magic Menu doesn't appear in the menu when the Finder is available. (Magic Menu is a custom menu that supplies immediate menu access to StuffIt Deluxe features from the Finder.)
The work around for the first issue would be to use the 'find item' option in At Ease and to add the compressed application to the setup. There is no other solution.

Aladdin Systems reports they have corrected the second problem with the 3.0.7 version of StuffIt Deluxe (includes StuffIt SpaceSaver 3.0.6). The free update is available on most on-line systems, including Aladdin's bulletin board on AppleLink.

Please contact Aladdin Systems directly if you have any questions. To locate a vendor's address and phone numbers, use the vendor name as a search string.

Article Change History:
07 Mar 1994 - Corrected misinformation about both bugs being addressed.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012