Note: Throughout this discussion acronyms will be used in place of full names. Since all knowledgeable data communications personnel use these acronyms, you should practice using them.
According to the RS-232 standard, all devices involved in data communications can be classified into two groups:
DTE - Data Terminal Equipment: those devices that originate the data or are its final destination. Examples would be computers, printers, tape drives, etc.
DCE - Data Communications Equipment: those devices whose function it is to communicate the data between the DTEs. Examples would be modems, data multiplexers, and digital service units.
The RS-232 cabling between a DTE and a DCE is straight through. That is, pin 1 from the DTE plug goes to pin 1 on the DCE socket, pin 2 goes to pin 2, and so on. If a pin is an output for a DTE, then it is an input for a DCE (and vice versa).
RS-232 PIN GROUPS (three main groups)
1. CONTROL pins carry signals that indicate and control the state of the DTE/DCE interface.
2. DATA pins carry data signals.
3. CLOCK pins carry the clock signals necessary for synchronous data communications.
Because Half Duplex has to control line direction, it requires more RS-232 pins. The following is the sequence of RS-232 signals which are usually used for Half Duplex.
Sequence Pin Full Signal Name Output From Input To
(1) 20 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) DTEs DCEs
(2) 6 Data Set Ready (DSR) DCEs DTEs
(3) 4 Request to Send (RTS) Tx DTE Tx DCE
(4) 8 Rx'd Line Sig Detect (DCD) Rx DCE Rx DTE
(5) 5 Clear to Send (CTS) Tx DCE Tx DTE
(6) 2 Tx Data (TD) Tx DTE Tx DCE
(7) 3 Receive Data (RD) Rx DCE Rx DTE
Constant 7 Signal Ground (SG) n/a n/a
Fortunately, most Apple products use Full Duplex and so require fewer pins. The following is the sequence of RS-232 signals which are often used for Full Duplex.
Sequence Pin Full Signal Name Output From Input To
(1) 20 Data Terminal Ready DTEs DCEs
(2) 6 Data Set Ready DCEs DTEs
(3) 2 Tx Data Tx DTE Tx DCE
(3) 3 Receive Data Rx DCE Rx DTE
Constant 7 Signal Ground n/a n/a